Reviews for If Only
CrazyNakedFeet chapter 1 . 6/19/2008

make me cry some more
amortentiaaa chapter 1 . 9/20/2007
Aww... but it really is Katie's fault. *sigh*
Stuck Here Waiting chapter 1 . 7/8/2007
Hm - I kind of like the angst stories you write, don't get me wrong happy is great and warm and fuzzy - but the sad angst stories are the ones that I really feel - loved the story especially Oliver walking away at the end - ok well I didn't love it, but i thought it was well written...
Mouse and Stupid Productions chapter 1 . 4/22/2007
once again i am crying. i should probably go find some riddiculously fluffy story now.
just giddy chapter 1 . 2/10/2007
aw, ash, dont make me cry like that! the reader's cant see that! they'll think ive gone soft!

oh my reputation is flipping ruined...ugh

but yeah, i think the tears say it all. i dont think anyone has reduced me so. well, at least it was you. aka a legend.

hahaha, yeah i know, someone called me that and i was like, damn im only 16 hahahaha.

yeah, sorry its taken me so long to read this fab peice. ive had a bunch of college online hunting and crap to sort through my mail bow lately. so yeah. not to mention our lovely essays.

and i would so catch up except i have a volleyball tourney ive got all day tomorrow so no luck on that. maybe i can catch some time now. hm...

well, if you dont hear from me withing the next two seconds

lots o love!
Kailey Hamilton chapter 1 . 2/5/2007
Guess what? Im writting this review in my Computers class. If the teacher notices, Im dead. Period.

This is translation material, I tell you. Youre going a bit angstie lately, and Im loving it, though Im longing to see another of your little cutie fluffs...

I liked when you told that Ol knew what was like to be kissed by Kates. You made me wonder...

Fuck. Teacher caught me. Bye bye.

un beso gigante,

Recycled Paper Addict chapter 1 . 2/5/2007
Wow. That was extremely powerful. Angst is alright for me. I noticed it doesn't say it's complete, was that just a mistake or a planning on going further with it? Maybe you could have another meeting at maybe...Oliver's wedding? Shun my idea but do contemplate another chapter.

Lots of Love

Meggily chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
Aww! That really was heartbreaking.

It makes one feels so horribly for both of them.

This was very nicely written.

Miss Anthrope chapter 1 . 2/3/2007


damnit, Katie...and Oliver...
lollirosee chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
Aw... I thought that was terrifically sad but romantic. It's so horrible that they love each other but they can't be together! *sobs*
xtotallyatpeacex chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
Aw, sad. Lol I guess that why it's in the angst category then...

'and I can’t love you anymore.’

Ouch. What a way to stomp all over her heart. Anyways, great job, update soon! :D