Reviews for Johto Chronicles 1
Tropicallight chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
Good shot
Mary chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
DREW can be really stubborn sometimes but that's what makes him interesting, it may seem in a few episodes that he likes May and in some he acts as if he hates her, he can't seem to make up his mind about her but i think the feeling is the same deep inside every time. ;)
getbamboozled chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
it was wonderful! sry if im not good at reviewing. im a person of few wordz unless im typing. idk, more confidence i gues... also english is not my furst language so.. ya... ll

great job and i cant wait till nxt time! :D
LoveLoverGrl chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
Haha nice cute :D
Yes.I.Ship chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
That was pretty good. Although watch your syntax "says her" isn't correct english.

For the most part the characters were pretty in character, but the ending was kind of confusing. What exactly did he mean by "you should know how I feel about you by now"
Lotusnapper chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
Lovely, except for a few grammar mistakes in the dialogue.
Riikani chapter 1 . 8/19/2008
Sakura Petal Wings chapter 1 . 12/31/2007
D1G1T4L hikari chapter 1 . 11/5/2007
very very nice :)

very interesting though..the way that you used shuu's eng. name and haruka's eng. name in a lot of places. then switched over with solidad's japanese name.

but nevertheless, a good storyline and everything wasn't all cheesy and stuff. i'd give it 5/5 stars if this was like youtube xD
delcatty546 chapter 1 . 10/10/2007
Kamo-chan? I thought she is Haruka-chan.

Is Saori Solidad?
TrinityAngelX chapter 1 . 9/23/2007
do u think u can continue? i love it!
ante-diem chapter 1 . 6/11/2007
Aw, so cute! Dontcha just love contestshipping?
Nox Pluvia chapter 1 . 6/9/2007
Maybe I should've read this one before the 2 and 3 one. Oh well xD. The random part with the cookies was pretty cool xD. I'll read more of your stories next time I come on, cuz now I want to sleep :p.
raichurai chapter 1 . 4/6/2007
Hoy hoy! *waves* Oh my gawd, do you know how much I LOVED this fic? It's so adorable, I was getting all giddy seeing May and Drew blush all ova the place! xD

Aw man, I love Saori too, she's definitely a contestshipper. . GO SAORI!

"I just thought you'd like something to remind you of me sometimes."

LOL, Drew's quite confident, ne? xD It's what I love about 'em!

You did a great job on this fic, but the grammar needs some work. Someone already pointed out pretty much everything for you. I don't wanna sound like a jerk or anything - it's the last thing I want, but it would be a lot easier for readers. Yah know? But either way, this fic was good. And that's all that matters.

Contesthipping Rulez. xP
The0Kitsunes0Ear chapter 1 . 3/31/2007
that was so cute

love the drama
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