Reviews for Living Death
Donteatacowman chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
WOW! Ryou officially wins Creepiest Child Award 2007.

I almost wish Ryou's mom had heard that last bit, just to know what her reaction would be. Very nice fic, even for someone who isn't familiar with YGO!
safa'at keruth chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
The carrot, it has arrived!

I really liked this. Like, a whole lot. I love your idea of Ryou, how this is told from the point of view of some random OC guy while the readers know exactly what's going on, and how you set up everything with that phone call in the beginning of the fic (I have this feeling that some outside force - I'd say Ryou if he wasn't so young - set up the phone call so that OC Guy and his daughter would be happy before he died, but IDK if it's correct xD).

Which brings me to another part of it - the characterization. Ryou was just so wonderfully written - his unwitting creepiness even though he's only trying to communicate with Amane, and ESPECIALLY that scene where he asks for cream puffs. I loved the little bit of his personality that you revealed then; even though he appears to be so knowing and mature when he meets OC Guy, that shows that he's still just a kid, who only thinks about himself for the moment. And the part at the end where he WAVES was so epic - I love the idea that he'd become so accustomed to death that he doesn't realize fully what it is.

And OC Guy was so awesome too - what with writing the plethora of OCs in the father!Malik and reading a few good fics with OCs in them lately, this has really contributed to lessening my fear of OCs in fanfiction. You wrote OC Guy perfectly in this - he really seems to be another human being since his character was developed well even though he's only a plot device, and his presence didn't make me cringe at all. When I realized that the narrator was an OC, the surprise dissipated after the first few lines and I got too caught up in the fic to care about that anymore.

Uh, yes, I think I've gushed a lot here (and trust me, it's not just because this is a carrot xD). I don't have any criticism for this (I love your writing style here, btw :3) - I really, really liked it! :)


~ Keruth
ladyblackwell chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
Hmm, this looks really good!

I really liked how you developed Kazuya's character (only to kill him off, waaah). And tiny creepy Ryou was AWESOME. And creepy.

I guess my only criticism is I wish there was more! Oh and also I can't really see where the story is going from here, but I guess that's to be expected, since it's only the prologue. I hope you continue this!

I honestly couldn't find anything wrong with the chapter. Sorry. I looked and looked. :P CONTINUE, KTHX.
subaru1999 chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
this was great! i hope someday you decide to finish it...
Jenivi7 chapter 1 . 10/23/2009
Sque! Oh, I just love tiny, creepy Ryou. *snuggles him* I don't think he's even ALLOWED to be that creepy and that CUTE at the same time!
AphroditeLove chapter 1 . 9/28/2009
This may sound bad but I completely forgot my password to get in! -; ( I got your PM though)

Anyways, I completely agree with the death of the YGO fandom - and it was wonderful reading this again. Disturbed!Ryou has always been one of my favourites like that, with that innocence juxtaposed with such darkness and unhappiness. I loved it - SO YOU SHOULD CONTINUE 3.

Please? : D
neverlife chapter 1 . 4/29/2009
That's, that's amazing! for some reason it's really hard to find a creative Yu-Gi-Oh story but yours definitely is.
aura.300 chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
please write more please write more
hA-UkA chapter 1 . 10/18/2008
Very realitic.
Bakura's Guardian Angel chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
AH! That's disturbing but so well written! Ryou is...creepy. I love him all the same. This is an excellent beginning to what has the potential to be an excellent story. Keep going, Rua-chan! Another very well written fic. You need to keep going on your stories Rua. I've read quite a few of yours that are unfinished! Anyways, this is, again, very interesting. Good JOB!
pleasedeletethisaccount19 chapter 1 . 3/26/2008
I liked it alot, especially the details, and can't wait for the next chapter!
Lolchen chapter 1 . 9/14/2007
Aw... how cute x3

Poor Mrs Bakura, she can't understand. Did Tetsuga say Hello to Amane? I hope so P Oh well, this young Ryou probably doesn't understand what this gift is. And I think you jump in time over to the next chapter, don't you? *grin strangely* He's sure seventeen or summat in the next chap ! Well, I beg you to continue - and that as fast as you can... You know that Yami Marik x Ryou is called Deathshipping? xD Fits, doesn't it? I would like to know Marikus role soon - but not before you think it's necessary for me and the other readers to know - argh, just continue, would you be so nice?


ONIX-21 chapter 1 . 8/4/2007
Hi i have just read and reviewed ur story ' Guardian Ryou' which as i said i love so far and decided to have a look at ur profile and other fics. i found this one which i've read b4 but fir some reason that i cant remeber i didn't review it so im doin it now!

What a great idea! Its so different! i really like fics that are sort of supernatural u no they really grip me! cant wait for more of this and 'Guardian Ryou' if u decide to continue with them!

fAtAlflAme chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
Zomg. Zomg. Zomgwtfbbq YUS! That just made my day. it's so traumatic and cute and traumatic and cute and bloody and cute and disturbing and ZOMG ITS BABY RYOU! XD. *insertunintelligablebabbling here* Love love love love love even though I know nothing about these characters. ZOMG. ROFLCOPTER. ZOMG. HE GOT PWNED. XD.

Randomly Random chapter 1 . 3/26/2007
Well, I'm younger and I'm willing to teach ; But I don't see what i could teach you. Your style is magnificent! *hug* I love this new story, and I love it more since Ryou stars in it

I'm gonna put this on alert so I'll know when you update

Ja, more inspiration for a fellow fan girl! *hug*

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