Reviews for Shade to Shade
jeesee59 chapter 46 . 6/6
It's criminal how underrated this fic is. Had nothing to read and found your series recommended somewhere in the underground of the Internet, and I believe that it's one of the few stories that are just as good if you remove all the wizarding elementsthe focus is on the characters and their relationships, the magic world is just the backdrop, as it well should be!
lederware chapter 46 . 3/16
I liked this story. Really added something to the HP canon.
Pennys Thoughts chapter 1 . 11/18/2019
This is sincerely one of my favorite series I have ever read, fanfic or otherwise. You are an incredible writer and I’m so grateful I get to read all of your stories. I’ve read and reread the stories about Tobias and Tanith and Cal and Gabe at least four times, more for your next gen series. You’re absolutely incredible and I keep coming back to reread over and over again. Thank you so much
Aimzus chapter 46 . 11/8/2019
Binged this in a day! So worth it, writing is top notch :)
SemperFelix chapter 46 . 1/5/2019
This is really the end of an era. Honestly, I loved this book. It expanded canon with a set of flawed but fundamentally good Slytherin characters, something JKR did not provide. We really got to see the effects and damages of the war firsthand, something I think the next book will also provide. A
SemperFelix chapter 44 . 1/5/2019
GABRIEL DID IT THE MAN ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED. That was clever of him. I assume time tried to stop him from changing the future by making him pass out, but by giving Tanith the tools to do it he actually managed to change the future bravo
SemperFelix chapter 43 . 1/5/2019
nononononono the future is playing exactly as it did in the vision. Gabriel somehow passes out, and now it's just up to Tanith to change the future. She HAS to
SemperFelix chapter 42 . 1/5/2019
Haha I love how Gabriel broke the tension in the group at the end. Tanith's reaction when he came back, after what happened last time...
SemperFelix chapter 40 . 1/5/2019
WTF no! They have to change the future. They have to. If Cal actually ends up killing up Tobias, I will be broken
SemperFelix chapter 38 . 1/5/2019
awwww i love this chapter, everyone is happy and enjoying themselves. Feels like a respite from the storm
SemperFelix chapter 37 . 1/5/2019
OMGOMGOMG Tobias and Tanith have such a complicated and beautiful relationship... the end was so bittersweet, giving me the kiss I always wanted but also the two leaving each other for the foreseeable future
SemperFelix chapter 36 . 1/5/2019
FINALLY Cal and Tobias talk about his relation with Thanatos. This chapter felt really cathartic, and I'm glad the two's friendship grew stronger by the end
SemperFelix chapter 35 . 1/5/2019
Tobias and Tanith drama will never end, will it? Now Tobias is leaving Tanith when she needs damn emotional
SemperFelix chapter 34 . 1/5/2019
Every conversation with Dumbledore is written so well. You can tell how Dumbledore really understands Tobias' reasons and inner pain, especially with that final line
SemperFelix chapter 33 . 1/5/2019
I really like how this fic gets into the details of what 7th year would really be like, with the NEWTS and the jobhunting. I can't believe Tobias is leaving already, that really just shows how they've suddenly all become adults
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