Reviews for My Only Son
Missa Catlover chapter 8 . 1/9/2010
Great Job! I can't believe that Munkustrap is dead! Can't wait until the next chapter! Please update soon.
mutinykitty chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
i can't wait to finish reading before reviewing. I'm already in love!
ChrisVertner chapter 2 . 5/16/2009
all i could think while reading the beginning of this chapter was the second lion king when kovu had grown up and zira was giving him a briefing on what he was supposed to do to kill simba. i like it.
Equinox Kitten chapter 7 . 3/2/2008
Well, that was another dissatisfying story. I only say that because it has died. Granted I don't really care too much for your version of Mungojerrie, but we all have our preferences. Still, the story was good, it would have been nice if you'd finished it. Ah well.
Maudey chapter 7 . 8/20/2007
Oh wow! This story is fantastic so far. It's such a neat take on their personalities, and I love how you have Rumpelteazer's rather amusing thoughts after her comments. Also, I thought it was neat in this last chapter how you linked Mungojerrie's previous memory with the current situation. It's very good so far and I'm excited the read more!
CrystalArcher chapter 7 . 7/15/2007
Wow this is really good, you had me hooked from chapter one. I started reading this a while ago but didn'd have an account so I didn'd review. Anyway I can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon_
TheMusicGirl chapter 6 . 5/20/2007
oh PLEASE continue! it's getting so good!
Felinae Silvestris chapter 1 . 5/9/2007
Great chapter. Nice and long as well. I don't think I've reviewed this story yet. I don't know why. I am thoroughly enjoying this. However I did notice a couple of typos in this chapter. Just a few missing letters, easy to do. I'm looking forward to seeing where this is going. Characterisation is very good. I love this story.

XxXcatXxX chapter 6 . 5/9/2007
Hay this was a very good chapter, nice and long i enjoyed it a lot! Europe eh, did you stop by dear old England? just one typo made me laugh 'loving the piece of plywood' Just before Rumps went into the tunnel i guess you meant lowering but it amused me anyway ;P
XxXcatXxX chapter 5 . 3/14/2007
Your insane fan-girl is back!

There were just a few typo errors in here but apart from that another great chapter. Aww lil Rumples being so naive bless her.
Bianca Mephisto chapter 5 . 3/14/2007
Awie. I really like this now. In the beginning there are several spelling errors but if you just read it through carefully you should be able to fix most of it. Try to put in those lines (just forgot what they're called) in between here and there where you are skipping a bit of time. Like in between these two:

The first step is only the beginning, Miss Rumpelteazer... And the first step will never be the last."

"We're getting close to the first part of the city that I would like to show you." Mungojerrie said as they reached the Tower Bridge.

A line in between makes it much easier to read. Otherwise. Great job.
Bianca Mephisto chapter 4 . 3/9/2007
This chapter was very realistic. I enjoyed it a lot, it reminds me so much of me arguing with my parents. Just that our arguments are longer and that my parents give in after an hour or two ;p. No errors what I could find. I really like the way you write the thoughts behind the lines. It gives it all such a nice touch. Keep it up and don't disappoint us!
XxXcatXxX chapter 4 . 3/7/2007
Yay a new chapter! Loved it. Munk kinda reminds me of my dad which is a scary thought *shudders* Anyway random comments aside this was another great chapter!
XxXcatXxX chapter 3 . 2/13/2007
yay an update! Wow Jerrie is seriously smooth, what a little liar, you know i'm loving this story keep them chapters coming!
Bianca Mephisto chapter 3 . 2/9/2007
This is just so funny. I feel a bit sorry for Rumple though as he knows she likes him and she doesn't know he knows and.. Ah well. I'm curious to see where this is heading.
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