Reviews for He Pines
MrsCreedy chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
I wish more people would write about Pope
StoriesThatNeverWere chapter 1 . 8/19/2007
I hope you might branch out as far to make a story on these two, but I did enjoy this little insight very much. I personally like the idea of Pope and Brenda together, and hope that comes into light with Season 3's finale.

Nice work.
Claro3 chapter 1 . 3/14/2007
Oh, Pope has so many issues- this is just one of the best. I'm glad people are taking the time to explore this particular side of rather miserable mind- this was just so much fun to read!
connyx chapter 1 . 1/17/2007
it may be a spoiler for me, since the closer isn't on air for that long here but..

who's thoughts are these? or is this just "fiction" of someone who doesn't exists?

anyway, I liked it!

go girl go! ;-)

btw, is there a email adress which works? I tried the but I got my mail back :(