Reviews for Life, Love, Lost
In The Forest chapter 36 . 2/18/2013
You better continue this.
KimiKat19 chapter 36 . 9/30/2012
Amazing story! Truly addicting! Update soon please!
MisguidedIllusions chapter 36 . 3/28/2012
Finally caught up with this story and might I say, I will wait patiently for the rewritten version, that is if you guys are still working on it. I absolutely love this story and the way you guys progressed it. I'm eager to see how good your writing skills have gotten because for fourteen year olds you guys were good writers then. I wanna see if you gotten any better since then. So I will be favoriting you guys and waiting patiently for the rewritten version. :]

Love this story!
TheWaffleAlchemist chapter 36 . 12/9/2011
Yaay! An update! And OMG, Kaytie realizes her true feelings for Envy! Love, love, lovity love! I really hope things work out between them. And Ed and Morgan, too.

I can't wait for the rewrite! :)
bottle of beast chapter 36 . 12/7/2011
Ahem. I have my pom-poms! :D

Two, four, six eight? Who do we appreciate? THIS FANFIC!

*gets booed off*


Okay. Please ignore my previous...'attempt' cheerleading. Instead, I will tell you what I'm feeling right now:


This was the first fanfiction I've read, and my favorite. :) It's amazing. Everything about it is spectacular. And now you've updated! Woot! :D

Poor Kaytie. :( Gee, Envy can be such a clueless bastard sometimes. -_- I just hope things work out between them. Envy/Katie is my favorite pairing. :) They were made for each other!

I'm extremely glad you've decided to continue this. If you're rewriting it, then that's still great! I'm smiling like an idiot right now. This fanfiction was amazing, and now that you guys have more experience with life, I'm sure it will be even more amazing than before! (Is that possible?)

I will be checking every day for the new version of this story! :)

Good luck! And thank you! You guys are the root of my fanfiction obsession! :D
KarmaHope chapter 35 . 8/17/2011
"Prolly take a bit longer," Yeah, like- over a year? Please, I wanna know what happens!

PLEAAASSSE can you update again?
Anonimus chapter 35 . 5/29/2011
I absolutly love this story!
anonymous chapter 35 . 5/4/2011
aaaahh! please update soon! i looooooove it! kyaaa!
crystalbluewolve chapter 35 . 4/23/2011
Hi, so i absolutley love this tory, but... it's been like 7 months and you still haven't updated. Just kinda wondering where the hell you are...
ivmysterynumbers chapter 15 . 4/12/2011
Oh Envy, you sly devil, you xD I wonder what it's like writing a letter with one hand...Envy could tell us!
XxDaydreamxSyndromexX chapter 35 . 3/29/2011
This story rocks!
alldumbamericanrejects27 chapter 15 . 3/7/2011
envy nd kaytie r da perfect 2
onakasuita chapter 8 . 2/22/2011
i hope there will be some KaylieXenvy... they seem like a nice pairing... ever thought about it? ya should include it in... i would


onakasuita chapter 7 . 2/22/2011
nice! i'm sorta getting a little mixed up with some things... *sigh* oh well, that's what you get for reading four stories at the same time...


onakasuita chapter 5 . 2/19/2011
*slaps kaytie*

Kaytie: OW! what the hell!

*slaps her again* shut up! you're an idiot!

Kaytie: OW! what! you WANT me to die!

*slaps her again* YES!



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