Reviews for Dracula's Chronicles
The Great Rick chapter 15 . 10/1/2008
Great fic, but I'm a little sad about the missing chapters, particulary the chapter 13 with the child vampire. That reminded me of Interview with a Vampire from Anne Rice.
blue-ninja13 chapter 34 . 7/15/2008
ARGH! lol UPDATE! I love what you've written. There's nothing much I can say... since I'm only 1 out of 203 reviews (for now) but... YOU'RE AWESOME! CONTINUE DOING WHAT YOU DO!
Psychoscot chapter 34 . 7/13/2008
Good chapter! It was reasonably interesting. I like the fact that you brought some other characters back from the dead that was pretty cool. But I can't wait till we get to the actual meat of the story! I look forward to your next few chapters _.
Reyes Yong Nydia chapter 33 . 6/21/2008
is it just me,or is it gettin angsty in here?
Psychoscot chapter 33 . 5/31/2008
Excellent chapter as always! Wow, poor Miranda, I didn't expect that. Great story, keep it up! Can't wait to see your next chapter.
Darkangl28 chapter 32 . 5/26/2008
Oh yeah, I love when i can find a good Alucard/Seras fic but I must say I love how you've given his past credit as well as his present. I think you've done a wonderful job - I sat and read all your chapters in one sitting. I've added you to my story alerts - this one is definitely a keeper. I hope this review is the last you needed to post your next chappie :)
Psychoscot chapter 32 . 5/23/2008
This was a great chapter as usual! I can't wait to see how the next chapters turn out. Keep up the awesome work! I really like this story!
Lady-Byzantine chapter 32 . 5/16/2008
sorry for the lack of reviewage hun x Im still loving this story though! I liked the tenderness shown by Alucard in the latest chapter- cute but no out of character- keep it up!
SickDeath chapter 32 . 5/15/2008
I loved the combat scenes, you've really made a great job! And I also liked the tiny soft part between them
Psychoscot chapter 31 . 4/30/2008
Great chapter! I am glad you got back to writing about Alucard. It sounds like it is going to get really good. Can't wait to see the next chapters and what happens with Katherine! Keep up the good work!
SickDeath chapter 31 . 4/30/2008
Nice chapter, you really did well!
dark night chapter 31 . 4/30/2008
Finally an update! yay!

I'm alreadu exploding with curiosity what will happen next, and why Katherine needs help, please update soon!
TheGirlWhoWaited chapter 30 . 4/15/2008
oh! what's gonna happen next? update soon please!
allied2me chapter 29 . 2/22/2008
god i hope the next one comes out soon such a kick ass story
Lord Makura chapter 29 . 1/7/2008
WHOUUOUU! party at the hellsing house!
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