Reviews for Symmetric Key
danae chapter 1 . 12/4/2009
I really liked this, a lot. A perfect example of what one can do with a mere hint from the book: a wonderful scene that nails both characters marvellously. Ive always loved Justin, but you make me see Theo as an interesting character as well.
Danny Bailey chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
*sigh* This is beautiful. This is the first Westmark fanfiction that I've managed to stumble across, and it's too bad about that because I don't think many others will live up to this. You captured the characters *perfectly*. This could have been cut straight from the book. In fact, the book probably would have been better if this had been in it. I love the insight that you've shown toward the characters and how they both deal with their grief. I'm going to go back and reread it right now. It was that good. Wonderful, wonderful job!