Reviews for Paging Sara Sidle
Emz89 chapter 77 . 4/1
SammieSGC chapter 77 . 9/25/2016
Beautiful history
Thank you very much
Afeter 77 chapters still left me wanting more
Sorry for my horrible english but not my language
Kisses from Argentina
helly1bradleywyatt chapter 77 . 3/28/2013
Loved it, is there going to be. Sequel please
js chapter 77 . 3/11/2013
just fineshed reading this . it was a lovely ride. thank you so much
ExKage chapter 31 . 9/26/2010
I am really enjoying this work. Thank you for writing this. I know it was written and uploaded a long time ago but I figure reviews are reviews.

I don't know if it's a mix up or just the phrase but in this chapter it's written as if Lindsey is fourteen (the phrase fourteen going on thirty) but a few chapters before this when Catherine tells Allie she has a daughter too, Catherine says Lindsey's age is tweleve.

Not sure if it's an inconsistency or not but I figured you might want to know.

Thank you, once again, for writing this.
Jordan Farel chapter 77 . 12/26/2009
This story was absolutely flippin amazing.

Omg I seriously just spent the past 6 hours reading it.

Great job!

Dusk Falling chapter 22 . 6/9/2009
I was going to wait until I read the end to review, but I just couldn't stop laughing at the thought of the look on Greg's face when he finds out all of the women in the crime lab are gay XD
AOBZ chapter 77 . 5/17/2009
aw this was so cute! I loved this story.. it was amazing! I can't believe it's done tho... that makes me sad.. (tho it really shouldn't since I'm supposed to be studying for my exams, and this story just helped my procrastination lol) just goes to show how good it was! Thanks for posting :)

ps- congrats on 400 posts! impressive!
AOBZ chapter 65 . 5/17/2009
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I want to know something Sofia. And it stays between us. I promise you.”

”Alright, the best place for toys is that adult store over near the Bellagio."

bahahhahahah... that was awesome! I actually laughed out loud on that one... this story is amazing.. and im glad they FINALLY got together! lol don't get me wrong, the wait was fun and definitely well-worth it, I liked the build up, but I love this a lot more. And Cath being so nervous? it's a nice change, and cute/endearing too. I'm sad this is almost over!
AOBZ chapter 33 . 5/17/2009
hahahhahahaha, omg I laughed so hard at Wendy's comment at the end. that was awesome... this story is great so far :) i really like it. to be honest I never pictured sara having a child but it works really well in this one.. you wrote it really well! ok, im done now.. off to read more!
marymo9 chapter 77 . 10/21/2008
Fantastic. Wow. Yeah! Good stuff...
VegasButterfly chapter 77 . 8/12/2008
I know you finished this awhile ago, but i want to say it was great. i just finished this fic, and i found it so great. Great job
Knight of Midnight chapter 77 . 7/23/2008
Well after you had to go as we chatted I decided to read some of your older fics, and saw that this was seventy seven chapter long (nice number by the way) and thought well, now I have a free night with nothing better to do, settled down with my lucozade and read the whole thing. And boy am I glad that I did.

The last proper chapter, blew me away, it was the perfect to this "come here go away" little saga of Cara's, which has always been the way I imagined them starting a relationship minus the little kid of course. However you made the story flow very nicely, there was just the right mix of sexiness, playfulness, dark sides, and issues. Perfect reading for a late night.

Though maybe not for someone with my kind of mind. Anyway, just saying that I loved this and its given me a few "ideas".

Night, Simone.
CreativelyNumb chapter 77 . 7/21/2008
So fucking amazing! I seriously don't know how you do it but with every story of yours I read I become an even bigger fan of your stuff!
Nommi chapter 77 . 6/22/2008
Ok one word springs to mind, excellent (closely followed by fantastic, witty, sexy and brilliantly put together). Your story has given me so much inspiration to write my own and it was a joy to read from beginning to end.

I'm studying English Literature and your story easily beats quite a lot of the things I have been assigned to read. If only Fanfic was on the curriculum haha.

You are indeed a talented author and I hope for you to carry on writting these pieces.

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