Reviews for The Legend of the Century
Sasusaku chapter 22 . 7/24/2015
update plsssssss
Cherry chapter 22 . 3/19/2013
Takeo, and this is turning ( to me ) inti a forced romance for sasusaku :( I want her and him to love each other naturally, not for power, its turning dark but I like it in a good twisted dark way XD. But sakura needs to be on guard when he obviously starts to love her naturally. Yes force them into marriage ( on her part, sasuke will be looking forward to it since this love comes with power ) ,but she'll eventually love him, hopefully :D
AyaArmyLove chapter 4 . 8/15/2012
ELVES! The elves in Eragon were so Hot!...Anywayz.../ the story it really can't be compared to Eragon (I've read them all! By the way, so awesome! The movie wasn't that good and the producer stopped making it since he messed it up big time.) but it gives it a twist to the Naruto Characters. Keep writing!
Sasuchan99 chapter 22 . 9/9/2010
woa, i don't believe you did not updated this fic in a while. It is so awe. i see you delicate a lot of your time and effort for it. hope you will come back and finish this fic.

22 chapter, i see it just be the begin. and i wonder how Sakura will win again herself. how much effect of that seal on her personality. and how she can change Sasuke. and what about Itachi, how is he now. he with Akatsuki?
thentherewasIA chapter 22 . 12/19/2009
one word: woah.

ah... i don't understand the prophecy... what does sakura's whole being has to do with sasuke? so what her family can sorta have power over other dragons or what?
sasusaku-EienAi chapter 22 . 12/5/2009
This is a fantastic stoy I only just stumbled onto it yesterday I love dragons and I love the story Oh and for the name I go for Takeshi it sounds so right can't wait for the next chapter keep up the great work
Shubhs chapter 22 . 9/9/2009
I vote for Takeo...Btw LOVE the story!REALLY good!XP XD XD XD
Dark-Dahlia chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
Little Miss Escapist chapter 22 . 3/13/2009
Wahh, I haven't been able to check out in a long, long time.

The fic's been getting a lot darker, though not to the point that it's too gothic. I like the shift; it gives the fic a more serious tone. More like mythology.

I do worry how the SasuSaku's ever coming in. It's there in the tiniest amounts, so it'll be extremely entertaining to see how you bring it in.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply and stuff. Your mail kind of gets lost under all the emails from my classmates and teachers about requirements and various things that need to be printed and made. I did send over a beta-ed Chapter 20, but you never replied after either. Perhaps it got lost in cyberspace... _

I'd understand if you'd prefer not to have me as a beta anymore, considering we're both extremely busy (tho you are not unreliable nor unworthy of being helped), and I personally am not sure if I can keep up with such a responsibility, but I'll do my best to review for each chapter. :0
AleatoirePerson chapter 22 . 2/16/2009 took me a month to realize I haven't reviewd this u.u

anyway...I'm here now ;D

it getting better and better...can't wait to see what's going to happen to sakura **

the seal idea was great she gonna be able to do something new *-*?

well...I wait o/

see ya /
moonshine86 chapter 22 . 1/17/2009
Wow, this is one of the best fanfics i've ever read so far!It was awesome, that i even dreamt about it! Hahaha, anyway, i hope you do update soon!
NorthernLights25 chapter 22 . 1/6/2009
Please update soon. I vote for Takeshi. XD
StrawBerryBlond chapter 22 . 1/3/2009
i really enjoyed this chapter i cant believe uv done this story for 2 years but awsome i am glad that u haven't stopped i hope u continue on till the end!

hehe sighned-BB
joyousislandgirl chapter 22 . 1/3/2009
i say Tatsuya it seems like a name fit for a dragon

other than that I LUV UR STORIES
Tip Of The Top Hat chapter 22 . 12/30/2008

on the matter of the Pole: Tatsuya- b/c Wisdom, patience, etc... is the exact opposite of Gaara. The dragon and its rider have to balance each other, because, they cant live w/out each other- right?
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