Reviews for I Have No choice
whitemoustache chapter 1 . 7/16/2007
Hey megs!

This is Niquie from 2 southwell! You know...

I just thought i might check ur profile out and this is a really great story. I really hope you update!

Check my profile out! AND REVIEW!
DrWhoFan10 chapter 4 . 2/15/2007
SWEET CHAPTER! *hands DP plushie* I just started handing them out! for a job well done! Continue asap! :) ;) :P ;P :D ;D _ *_* &_& $_$ MONEY!

P.S. Danny Phan (do u mean DP fan?)

P.P.S. Look at my profile i ACTULY (finaly) wrougt about my Imfo. take a look! :)
Bloody Hell chapter 1 . 1/9/2007
DrWhoFan10 chapter 3 . 12/29/2006
WOW! Me likie NO LOVIE the story! continue asap!:) ;) :P ;P :D ;D

P.S LOTS and LOTS of passing out!
Raha B chapter 3 . 12/29/2006
Good. write more. I agree with the other reviewer. Please send a review... OR Else face LadyMewnata9's Rath!
Harlin chapter 3 . 12/29/2006
Eh, people on fanfic are lazy buggers. I had a read and your a talented writer. Stories great but not the type of stuff I'm normally interested in (sorry. it's just my screwed up brain). I'll keep reading though cause it's really good. Update soon!



P.s. Somebody send a review! Come on people. It isn't that bad.