Reviews for Survivor's Guilt: Moony's Tale
5redroses chapter 24 . 11/6/2017
I love how well you weaved this story around the events in the book. It's very believable. The end is so bitter sweet though, knowing what we do about Sirius' fate.
5redroses chapter 20 . 11/6/2017
Omg, I never considered the fact that Mrs Norris might be an animagus before!
morgyse chapter 8 . 10/27/2016
This fic is perfection. It's the missing layer from book 3. It's more compelling and interesting and internally consistent. It's sadder and sexier and more poignant. I finished it a couple months ago but lost my login for a while. In this chapter, for example, the use of Leonard Cohen makes so much sense - so masculine and so desperate at the same time. It treats Remus/Sirius like it matters.
Guest chapter 24 . 11/9/2015
It's so sad when you realize that, if you follow cannon, they only get two years together and more than half of it is spent on the run by Sirius. Not that I blame him, getting your soul sucked out is most unpleasant.
Guest chapter 18 . 10/5/2015
I really liked this chapter. I felt like Remus' thought process behind that part in the book with Snape and Harry felt accurate for him. Interestingly, though, I never realized until reading fanfiction how much that part highlights Remus' flaws; I mean, there he is scolding Harry about not turning in the map, when he is withholding MUCH greater information about Sirius. Pretty blatantly hypocritical, really. Because I love Remus so much, his flaws fascinate me.

Also, him thinking that Malfoy is a little shite made me think of A Very Potter Musical, and something about him drinking while being a professor in Hogwarts is hilarious to me.
DeletedAccount1357559 chapter 24 . 4/22/2014
I really enjoyed reading this fic; everything fits really well with the canon. I particularly liked the chapter 'Erised Christmas', it was just really heartbreaking! I also like that the fic ends on an optimistic note though.
Adora Sacra chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
Absolutly love these stories. can't believe they don't have more reviews. I read this yonks ago, but just had the chance to review now. Will continue to delve through your collection of stories. i've read a lot of them. looking forward to finding the ones I havent! Thank you
Felidae Silvestris chapter 24 . 10/4/2011
I should have known that parts of this one would make me cry, too... ah well, it was still incredibly wonderful and satisfying. I'll have to go watch PoA again now...

Again, keep up the wonderful work.
CezzieD chapter 24 . 9/4/2011
I just read this whole thing in the one go - it was that good! I really enjoyed it, thanks for blessing this world with your writing.
betweenrealms28 chapter 24 . 7/6/2011
Very nicely written! I heart the fact that the love they share is so...tender!
Marie J. Lupin chapter 7 . 2/25/2011
I had to review at this point

"The blonde girl ran through the scene again, this time in the other direction, and barreled directly into Sirius, who caught her and kissed her on the forehead. She held up the twig, this time between Sirius and Remus-in-the-mirror, and as the two men in the glass obligingly leaned in to kiss, Remus saw the girl's mouth move to form the word "daddy""

God, you made me cry, you know that? this is so sad. ):
Marie J. Lupin chapter 2 . 2/25/2011
Gosh, I'm hatting Snape with all my will...
fucknickelback chapter 14 . 1/19/2011
I take it back- this is most definitely the saddest chapter. I completely get the image of Remus on his knees in agony over Sirius in my mind and it made me bawl like a baby... You are such a good writer! It's incredible. I have yet to read a story that follows Remus from going to teach at the school and learning that Sirius is innocent and all. This is just really good.
fucknickelback chapter 7 . 1/19/2011
This chapter was the saddest so far, I think. Poor Remy. I cannot wait until he realizes that Sirius is innocent. This is quite good, so far. :)
Dubious.Mischief.Maker chapter 16 . 11/25/2010
Next thing you know, Peter will be showing up!

I just about DIED laughing at that. :) I love being the informed reader :D

Have I mentioned how much I love this story? Well, I do love it a lot :)
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