Reviews for You Belong to Me
Guest chapter 30 . 9/29/2017
LLOOOVVEEDD that whole fic x3

i have been so curious to google the plot to the original movie! but i haven't, i didn't want anything given away. i will be googling soon though now :) i assume Eds roll in the movie was actually a girl, was she a fighter though like Ed? im curious to see just how much you actually based on the movie.

even though it was based on two different storys, i could still tell you added most of your own story to it. even though i couldn't recognize the Sebrina references, i did see lots of FMA references :3

thank you so much for writing/sharing this! it gave me hours of enjoyment!

Guest chapter 26 . 9/29/2017
THE DRAMA! roy had better run to that airport!

Guest chapter 20 . 9/28/2017
im 2/3 done with this!? T-T so sad, i don't want it to ever end :'D

seems like Roy is falling for Ed now x3 yaz! but will the secret ever get out that Roy was just pretending at first?

Guest chapter 18 . 9/28/2017
i hope Roy actually starts to fall for Ed o_O it would be so sad for Roy to just leave Ed later.

"his fingers aren't to long, like vile daddy long lags, or to short like sausages"
that was the best way to describe fingers xD it was so funny i loved it!

Guest chapter 12 . 9/28/2017
HhhHmMmmMMMmm...that seemed almost forced on Roys part, did Roy just kiss Ed simply to district Ed away from Win?
or has Roy actually always liked Ed?

guess i'll see..

and Wow! i meen this in the best way...but OMG i kinda hate your version of Win right now xD she never liked Ed before, now that he's better looking she suddenly loves him? what!? how shallow of her! i love it though, very interesting! like a character you love to hate xD

Guest chapter 11 . 9/28/2017
i knew it was coming, but its still sad to see Ed and Russell brake up. it reminded me on how Ed loves Winry...but Winry doesn't like him back. poor Russell seemed to loved Ed...but Ed just didn't really like him back the same way.

but hay! i assume we get closer to some RoyEd pairing now? RoyEd is my fav x3

Guest chapter 10 . 9/27/2017
Scar seems like a tough fighter O_o i wonder if Ed will fight him later on.

i loved how Maes took out Als baby pictures xD that was great.

Guest chapter 8 . 9/27/2017
i never read a RussellxEd before, i always assumed i would't like that pairing at fact, thats kinda way it took me so long to read this xD
but..i love RussellxEd now :'D still not as good as RoyxEd, but damn..still great.
or couse...thats probably just your version of Russell i like so much x3 most people write him to be vain and annoying lol.

anyway! i love how slice-of-lifey it is x3 and the relationship with Russell and Ed is so cute!

so said you were worried about the 2 limes so far? well you should't be! especially the 2nd one, i like when love shows through the smut, ya know? when its not just mindless smut, but actually has feeling behind it, and i see that showing :3 and i hope we get to see more of it too!

Guest chapter 3 . 9/27/2017
OhMyGosh 0_o this is so amazing so love with this story already.

i never seen the movie Serina, so i have no idea how close your follow the plot, but regardless... i can tell your making the plot your own. and the way you write is just brilliant, i know im going to absolute love this whole fic.

inuyashamunkey chapter 30 . 6/25/2016
AllyGal123 chapter 30 . 9/5/2015
Oh man...I don't even ship any of these ships, yet, that story was INCREDIBLE! As much as I would have enjoyed a sex scene, I'm still glad the story ended the way it did. Now I want to go watch that movie! Hah. But yeah, I always find it hilarious when multiple people fall for Edward in a fic. I don't know why, I just do. Which leads me to say that there is a small part of me that wishes Ed would have stayed with Russell, or Winry, even. But, no, I am very much content with RoyEd (in this fic at least) and I think you have done a fantastic job writing everything out. All in all, this story was amazing and is definitely going into my favorites. :)
Cutiepie120048 chapter 30 . 6/24/2014
This is one of THE BEST Fma FF I've read! This was moving, and all the characters are there, too - good call! Dramatic plot, excitable suspense, drama and feelings: 'A Soap Opera' like Alphonse said

KkChibiChop chapter 30 . 4/29/2014
I loved this story! I read it straight through two days just because I couldn't stop! I think it's sad that Russell never finds someone though. I am happy with the way Winry and Al ended up and of course Roy and Ed. I just wished Russell had found his someone while Ed was gone or something. Overall though I really loved everything about this story.
Guest chapter 15 . 1/17/2014
Hello! I must say I totally love this fic. I just have one question: why on earth did you change your writing style? Before this chapter it was very easy to read and like flew on. Now it sticks in place at some points. I surely hope this is only temporary.

But seriously though, good plot. I wouldn't even dream stopping half way )
Go-To-The-Extreme chapter 30 . 6/23/2013
I started reading this Fanfic and just couldn't stop! I stayed up late reading chapter after chapter then I slowed down because I didn't want it to end x)

Well, I'm actually happy that it ended this way. It's sweet and just right.
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