Reviews for Naruto: When Authors Attack
blaleblelelel chapter 2 . 4/28/2013
Hey, some crossovers are good, and Chibi stories are cute! Though, I do hate it when stories have characters that suddenly goes OOC without any explanations, and I hate randomness stories. :O
blaleblelelel chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Ha, I hate stories like this one! They take forever to get the story on track and the beginning sounded so interesting before Mary Sue, last of the Sue Clan, showed up! xDDD
vaell chapter 6 . 4/11/2012
Your car loan is about to default. Simply send me five hundred millions bit coins and I'll make it all go away.
Owlbear chapter 6 . 11/27/2010
somehow chouji... was Jichou by the end... i don't get it :P
Owlbear chapter 5 . 11/27/2010
i did drown T.T luckly it came to an end
Owlbear chapter 3 . 11/26/2010
no comment... other then that one
Owlbear chapter 2 . 11/26/2010
once again... does any of this shit ever happen? i tryed to read HP FF once... the first three pages where HP/DM or HP/SS ... i was blinded for days... and once i had fully recoverd, i attempted to read the ones with the best summarys... and i now wear glasses T.T it was gay angsty teenage porn with no plot or purpose... nice chapter you are opening my eyes to many FF i have successfully avoided ... so burn! muahahahahahahaha i have cookies
Owlbear chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
somehow... amazing. so well written... yet such shit plots and stories in genral i just want to close this tab before going on to the next chapter... have you REALY read any pice of shit with a storyline simaler to that first mary sue shit with 55tails etc.?

but alas i will continue! because it's funny :P keep up the good work
Lil' DeiDei chapter 6 . 8/18/2010
It's not just angst fans who want to hurl after reading those gushy stories. I laugh at angst, and the gushy stuff. Name mispellings are seriously irritating. Especially when it's not even consistent mispellings!

I don't know if you are goin to update this anytime but including unrealistic pairings, or realistic pairngs that happen much too quickly, would be interesting. ;)
Astra M chapter 6 . 8/13/2010
It's been awhile since I read this (or anything, to be perfectly honest), but I'm glad I did - couldn't stop laughing, even groaning, at some of these cliches (not to mention the ones I've been guilty of). I wonder if your Naruto muse is still poking around?
Windschild8178 chapter 6 . 10/22/2009
I totally loved it and agree. I know this is annoying and you might have had others ask but could you review my story? I'd liked to know if anything is particular stupid that I should leave out when I'm writing my next one. Its called 'A Prisoners Silence' by Windschild8178. If you do thank you so much! if you don't... eh. I understand. Better things to do and what not!
faerichylde chapter 3 . 9/1/2009
Gods, the part about Sasuke was so funny and accurate I actually began to cry with laughter. You should make some comment about how it looks like a chicken's butt. (Because it does, you know.)
faerichylde chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
Mary, the last of the Sue clan! *cries with laughter* That's really funny; I never would have thought of that!

Unfortunately, I have been guilty in the past of writing terribly OOC or badly written stories.

Then I deleted them! Thank you for writing this; it's hilarious!
awalkingparadox chapter 6 . 5/26/2009
ha ha ha ha ha that was so funny! Oh no I'm not talking the chapter you wrote, I'm talking about the A.N. you leave in every chapter. I think you make a few good points and I would like to thank you for making this "story" but I do have a problem with what you said in this latest chapter. I know for a fact that I am a terrible speller and with all these asian/ foriegn sounding names I can understand if some people misspell a name or two. Of course this only applys to the ones with hard names to spell, or if they have multiple names. Like Naruto, is his laste name Uzumaki or Uzamaki? Or the Yondaime! Is his name Minato Namikaze? or Arashi Kazuma? Or maybe something else entierly! Anyway I thought i should let you know that I was only reading your AN and I decided to put this on my favorites!

ps. I hate it when people use internet lingo during their story.
Evelora chapter 6 . 1/1/2009
Lol gosh this is so funny! And even through your mocking I can still tell that you're a really good writer. Ah I am jealous, though I thoroughly appreciate humour I can never write it myself.

I had an idea! Well, it's not really my idea but I just noticed that you haven't covered it yet: Badly written song fics! Like the ones which have the song lyrics and then right after they repeat the words of the song in the story...I don't know how to describe it properly but if you've ever accidentally stumbled upon a would know how annoying that is.


Can't wait for more!

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