Reviews for After Midnight
Yadda Wadda BaddaBoom chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
I'm getting ready to start reading this one. Can't believe that I've never read this one before, as old as this story is. And a shame that it looks like it's discontinued. Looks like you found other projects or lost interest. I'm going to read what you have here and will just say this, good luck in whatever it is you are doing. :-)
heavenzfiend chapter 8 . 8/13/2008
wow i like your story very much this is one of the best BalthierxPenelo fics i've read especially since they're mostly (all of the characters actually) in-character and not so out there. and i like how penelo is always so shy. it made me embarassed sometimes along with Penelo so that was great. i like it overall very much but it was totally unexpected when she lost her memory ... hm... and everything was moving kind of too fast all of a sudden (at the beginning it was ok but as soon as it was known she liked Balthier it became way so advancing?) well i dont want to discourage you since i liked it. please continune ) p.s. i'm guessing that the new love-line or w/e is going to include Larsa? (LxP is my fav couple in FFXII fyi) but in this story i would like to just see how B&P go along with their relationship and how the group reacts to that. i tihnk you can still make it fun and exciting with just the group w/o adding a new twist but then again it's your story so go ahead! i'll be waiting for what you produce at the end )
Akindofglory chapter 8 . 7/6/2008
I love this penelo/balthier! Its written extremely well and the storyline is original and engaging. I can't wait for the next chapter whenever it may be, hopefully soon! I don't get med when writers don't update quickly, sometimes people just don't have time.
MinnieMouse8990 chapter 8 . 5/1/2008
dang everybody got a crush on her lmao

i really like this story. UPDATE PLEASE!

oh and yea it would be interesting if you made another person have a crush on her. i wonder what would balthier do.
Flame-Wolf-89 chapter 8 . 3/2/2008
Dang, no more complications would be nice. By the way, your story is very good. It captivates me.
jacquesge chapter 8 . 2/10/2008
Only Balthier an Penelo! I really like the pairing. I hope you will someday update, though I understand you that sometime we just don't want to write! :P
Peachy-muffin chapter 8 . 1/3/2008
I Loved it!write more soon.
laila chapter 8 . 9/7/2007
plz, oh plz update diz!.. i was soo into it.. i really wanna noe wads gonna happen in de end.. so plz continue.. I BEG U!
kezzla chapter 8 . 7/26/2007
-twitch twitch- you.. must... update... NOW PLEASE!
Cuddlelove chapter 8 . 7/24/2007
I think it would be an awesome (though probably expected) plot twist if Penelo started liking Larsa (since he obviously likes her) in her state of temporary (or IS it? *dramatic music*) amnesia, they're just so cute together! But then again, I am quite a Larsa/Penelo fan so I'm biased. I don't think I'd be able to chose between Larsa and Bathlier, they're both just too irresitable. But aside from my babbling, your story is great! Please update as soon as you can!

Thunder Ring chapter 8 . 7/23/2007
Don't hate you, and not going to punch you, but I might send the evil squirles after you...Yep just might do that, especally if Larsa says what I think he's going to say...
eris chapter 1 . 5/23/2007
you had me blushing for her the whole way thru. *swoon* 4 balthier! but the plot is getting too dramatic tho...takes away the very cuteness you had going in the beginning. good job tho!
Mandy I Am chapter 7 . 4/13/2007
Hey this is pretty good. Dramatic yet good. I look forward to see what happens with Balthier wants to talk to Penelo. I know it's not *that* though. I am interested in seeing what's all going to unfold.
Skitty 2004 chapter 7 . 3/22/2007
yay! She remembered Larsa and not even Balthier! _ No matter how much PeneloxBalthier stories interest me, all pairings come at least second to PeneloxLarsa. XD anyways... so they never got to take her to the asylum? I was so looking forward to seeing that happen... And so since Larsa and supposedly Doctor Cid are there they're in Archades? And I guess they haven't met Al-Cid yet then... And since Doctor Cid is at least somewhere nearby I can't imaginee what will happen between him and Balthier. XP anyways, update again soon! Keep Writing!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/20/2007
You have a great story. I really love the balthier x penelo pairings (as well as others), and it is nice to see them because there really aren't many still being updated. In other words, I'm glad you updated and keep up the good work.
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