Reviews for King of Naught
achillius chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
Tortoise01Swe chapter 15 . 10/15/2015
I just finished this in a row and...I have no words...I've read more than 100 Zutara fanfics but never come across something like this's truly one of a kind. I'm sad but also hopefull after reading this, it's true that nothing gets easier gets better. Wait, and with time comes understanding, and with understanding comes peace, and with peace comes healing. This really inspired me. Be proud over this, it's legendary!
SoundScream chapter 15 . 8/9/2015
So rich, so full of feeling. I love it.
Komiv chapter 15 . 8/4/2014
Absolutely loved this story, your writing is so gorgeous and poetic. The character development was done extremely well and heartfelt, and altogether the story feels very complete. Very, very nicely done.
theAsh0 chapter 15 . 1/19/2013
oi, deep. :) good job!
blinkenlights n spitzensparks chapter 15 . 8/17/2012
Hi there! I read this a long time ago, probably around the time it was written, and just now found it again. Not sure if you're still active in the A:tLA fandom or if you'll read this so many years later, but I'm gonna leave this gigantic review here anyways.

This entire story is brilliant. There really aren't words to describe how moved I was by this story. The overwhelming angst and sadness was difficult to get through at times, but going through the healing process in the fic alongside Zuko was cathartic as well. And as much as the Zutara was an important component of the fic, I really love that this was primarily about Zuko's journey from something broken, empty, hollow, and dead, into the beginnings of the someone that Iroh always had faith he would become.

Zuko's thoughts on himself, and his relationships with Iroh, Azula, his father, and his country, are just heartbreaking - I think his mind would definitely be a scary place to delve into, but you explored it so wonderfully in this fic.

I also love that in the end, Zuko had to be his own salvation. Katara helped him in the beginning, but Zuko had to go on his own journey, by himself, in order to find himself. I also think that this is why the writers had Zuko choose the way he did at the S2 finale - because if Zuko had changed sides at that time, it would have been due to other people's influences - because of Iroh, because of Katara, etc... his own heart had not settled, and he would always be wondering "what if" and doubting his decision (which could potentially have had even more disastrous consequences later in time). He made the wrong decision, to be sure, but I think this was necessary (as was the separation from Iroh) before he was able to make the right one while standing on his own two feet and deciding his own destiny.

And finally, as much as we all love us some beautiful Zutara, I'm glad that the Zutara in this fic was limited - it made their interactions at the end that much more precious. I'm glad you left the ending open ended and bittersweet - I personally think he came back and Z and K lived happily ever after because my heart can't stand the thought of an unhappy ending for them after everything they've gone through in the fic. Not realistic, I know, but I can delude myself, can't I ?!

I see that this was written before S3 aired, and I would be interested to know your thoughts and opinions of how S3 turned out in the actual show!

To conclude, I am quite honored to have had the opportunity to read this brilliant piece of work. Bravo!
elleelle chapter 15 . 6/20/2012
This was a great character piece. I really wish you would right more Zuko stories
Cupcakes.R.Luhvved chapter 2 . 3/31/2011
This story is depressing mann! But i luhvv ihtt so far!
The.Usual.Angst chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
x-Ink-is-Beauty-x chapter 3 . 12/1/2009
I cried afer I read this oneshot! It was so sad, but I loved

the angst and the weird kind of truthfullness about it (does

that make sense?)

Love it!
x-Ink-is-Beauty-x chapter 1 . 12/1/2009

NO!... Whew! now that I got that out of my system

on to the real review. Even though I really hated that Iroh

died (look two lines above for proof...) the story was really

well writen, and original. I liked how for once Zuko

wasn't al goody-goody at the end, it was refreshing to read

some thing new. Overall I really rmjoyed reading it _
Dreaming 11 chapter 1 . 8/19/2009 killed Iroh! -splutters- I'm desperately taking your word for it and saying its all gonna be ok...poor Iroh. :(
Onba chapter 15 . 4/18/2009
You ripped my heart out and then (mostly) stitcked it back together again . . . I LOVE YOU! :D
onceuponachildhood chapter 15 . 4/12/2008
Oh my...

... I think this is one of the best fics I've ever read, and that's saying something.

skywalker05 chapter 1 . 10/29/2007
I really like "For a moment he thinks he will keep walking until he falls of the edge of the abyss. But Ba Sing Se doesn’t have abysses." Your writing style is very unique and professional, clean of any grammar flaws. Some sentences do not flow well to my mind; "Stubborn as Azula frowns" could use some clarification", but I am sure not all agree with me. You have a confidance to your writing. Aw, not Iroh! But I really like how you never say what Zuko is thinking after the death, because he wouldn't really be. Interesting.
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