Reviews for A Pleasant Lie
Cihaku chapter 12 . 2/26/2014
thank you, for creating something jaw dropping like this 3 i loved ff xii, as my first game of series i played. And ofcourse, my two favourite characters were (and are) our charming skypirates :) i really enjoyed reading pleasant lie, thank you for going trough all the trouble that writing this caused, thank you!
MeemerTree chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
I'm liking it so far, the way you portray fran and her family seems much younger thsn the way she acts in the game. I guess it does fit since they are younger at this time in your story. very enjoyable I have a lot of hopes for it. :)
TrueLightHikari chapter 12 . 5/30/2012
This story was breathtakingly good. You got the characters down to a T. Its the best Fran/Balthier story i've ever read. You're and amazing writer. X3 BRAVO!
LucarioBlaziken chapter 12 . 8/16/2011
I...I dont know what to say. This was truely a work of art, a beautiful work of art. Everything just fit so perfectly together/ I absolutely love the way you write, it is so vivid and enlightening. Bravo! I loved the story to the end.

Orochimarisu chapter 12 . 7/31/2011
Thank you for writing, and finishing this rather brilliant story. Thank you for filling up those lost hours every week/month or so~!
Fan chapter 12 . 7/29/2011
I am a little sad to see it end...somewhat abruptly. I surely hoped that you would lead a bit more into their lives of sky piracy prior to meeting Vaan and the others. Alas, I understand that all good things must come to an end. None the less, I am awe struck at how beautiful this fiction is. Fran's past is highly believable, as was her encounters, and what shaped her and Balthier to be what she was as we saw her in FF12. Your interpretation of a younger Balthier was very interesting as well...hahaha, from you, the readers got a taste of a charming sky pirate in the making. I was not particularly enamored with FF12 as a story neither... but my adoration for the dynamic duo had me see this game to the end. I am very VERY pleased that you added the background story that coherently gave Fran and Balthier depth as individuals. That which Square Enix had unfortunately failed to do...

Finally, I applaud you for a story well told, and I hope to see more of your works in the near future!

Much Love.
Saumelon chapter 12 . 7/27/2011
Loved it! Would've liked a bit more action, in whatever sense of the word, but that's just who I am. I'd like to think this is what actually happened in-game. :P

Keep at it! :D
TrulySheena chapter 12 . 7/27/2011

You have created the best fanfiction there is on this website.

I've kept my promise in saying that I would be playing FFXII again as a result of your fanfiction. I've been playing for around 2 weeks or so (level 30, 50 hours of gameplay, just beat King Raithwall's Tomb - yes, I am a completionist). Every single time I play, A Pleasant Lie comes to mind. I can't get over it. You've truly created a work of art, even by using another story to derive the characters and basic elements; it makes me wonder what you can do with your own thoughts and conceptions at your fingertips.

Please continue to write - you really are an exceptional storyteller. Be sure to keep me updated with any other fanfiction that you write, or perhaps, a book. Thank you again for writing Pleasant Lie - it has been a wonderful 2.5 years awaiting its end.

Take care and keep in touch,

AllinaMae chapter 12 . 7/26/2011
Before I read this final chapter...

I wanted to say, thank you so much for taking the initiative to write this. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but this..THIS is easily my most favorite fan fiction ever. It's made me snicker, cry, laugh...the light and life that you have given to the story and to the character has been such a good thing to experience. I'm so sad that it's over, but we all what happens later :).

I want to challenge you to write a fan fic for what happens ~after~ 12 (omg...but who am I to say this...i can't even write ;;). I think it'd be a good experience to see how well you can bring the most out of character (Fran, Balthier, or both) without drowning them with too much depth and without dragging out a plot point past its due.

3 Either way, I'm looking forward to future stories.
FFXII Fan chapter 11 . 7/24/2011
This is a mind blowing story. I loved a every paragraph of this story please update soon!
Saumelon chapter 11 . 7/14/2011
I'm so very into this story! PLEASE update soon! Don't torture me much longer!

I'm simply amazed with this fanfic, the complexity, grammar - everything. I'm really looking forward to future chapters! :D
ZoraAngel chapter 11 . 6/19/2011
I love you for this brilliant chapter! No need to rush if you deliver such quality.

AllinaMae chapter 11 . 6/18/2011
I have no words to say but that you are definitely my favorite writer on FF and that I have waited (and actually thought of PMing/reviewing the day before you posted to tell you that you have done such a wonderful job with the story, your writing style is so smooth and clever to read.) with an eager heart to see if you would continue on with this story.

I wish I knew more about the art of writing to give you constructive crits, but to me, I think what you have done is absolutely perfect.

_...I'm sad to hear the next/last chapter will be story, but I realize everyone knows the rest of the story from there :). Perhaps a post-game story would be a consideration?

Thanks for sharing your writings with those on FF.
TrulySheena chapter 11 . 6/16/2011
Atmac, I'm so excited to see how A Pleasant Lie will end! It was very nice to wake up to see that it was updated. As you know, I love your fanfiction so dearly. I'm actually going to play FFXII again soon, so I'm considering reading your story all over once you post the final chapter right before I play. Congratulations on another great chapter and good luck in all that you do!

ZoraAngel chapter 10 . 11/16/2010
By happy circumstance I found this story floating around and let me just say, you are amazing! I am very much enjoying the story so far and wish most sincerely that you'll update soon:)

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