Reviews for Red Light Until Sunset
Kimmy chapter 22 . 4/30/2018
Loved it
realitysickness chapter 22 . 6/14/2009
Okay after finally reading this story, I have to say it was incredible. Both mistakes were made on both sides, and it means the world to me that Brooke and Lucas got through it all together. I love the Brucas relationship, and they compliment each other so incredibly. I loved the ending of this story...but one thing, I thought Lucas's last name was Roe in this story not Scott. Did I miss something? Anyways great story.
realitysickness chapter 10 . 6/14/2009
Are you kidding me, Lucas didn't overreact at all. I'd probably be even worse. God, I love Brooke I really do, but her character in this story, makes me want to slap her...HARD. I don't care how much she's been through, nothing and I mean NOTHING justifies cheating especially with a guy who's in love with you. If she was that much of a commitment-phobe, the least she could do is break up with him before screwing. That being said I love Lucas though, so I will continue reading for him. Hopefully he'll get his revenge on Brooke. I never thought I'd say this but I'm on Team Lucas now.

Great story though, incredibly dramatic, totally hooked.
Addicte chapter 1 . 4/18/2009
wasn't it roe? proceed to next..p
s.fizzle chapter 1 . 3/25/2009

so i read this story a few weeks ago, and i was just going through my favourites and realized i havent even reviewed this.. i would like to start by this story is frikkin amazing! so real and capturing ;] xx
PrettyGirlRocks chapter 10 . 1/27/2009
omgsh, that chapter hurt me so much! i truly never saw that coming at all! brooke is an idiot and she deserved what lucas did and so much more! i feel so bad for lucas...she ruined him! i dont know what else to say. i am speechless right now.
BrucasEqlsluv chapter 10 . 1/19/2009
AH! What the fuck Brooke? Seriously?

OK this is way too serious for me now I gotta go read something light hearted..

Still love the fic though and am looking forward to reading more of it later! :)
BrucasEqlsluv chapter 4 . 1/19/2009
OMG! This is great! Nathan is such an awesome friend and so is Peyt.. please let them stick together!

BrucasEqlsluv chapter 2 . 1/19/2009

Lucas is and ass and SOO deserved that!

I love the whole Brooke/Nathan/Peyton friendship!

Going on to read more now

nevertrending chapter 1 . 1/16/2009
I've read the whole story last 3 or 4 hours ... I must admit that I thought you screwed it all up when you let Brooke have sex with that Tom and Marcus guy because Lucas said he loved her, but I enjoyed reading everything after that. The ending was perfect! Loved it!

Sex and drama turning into love ... You have found the perfect combination for a great fanfic. As I read your first chapter I knew that this would be a great story and guess what ... I was right!
Brucas2918 chapter 22 . 10/19/2008
I know im alittle behind!lol but i wanted to tell you how much i liked this only took me 3 days to read all of it and i love it! so thanx
tornintopiecesx chapter 22 . 10/11/2008

I love you. And I'm so going to miss this story. Because it was a classic. BUT YOU NEED TO WRITE MORE OKAY? AND SHOW ME EVERYTHING THAT YOU'RE WRITING. Dude! Do you want to help me write my college essay? hahaha the sad thing is I'm really serious. BUT THIS IS AWESOME. AND YOURE AWESOME. AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
SmileLikeYooMeanIt chapter 22 . 10/6/2008
great chapter

update soon!
S05Y31 chapter 22 . 10/6/2008
Wow well uh, like you said, I can't believe this story is over. it was great though! I loved it! Loved the ending too! It was so sweet!

This is the part where I would have asked you to update soon but since its the end :( I guess I will just leave it with a "Well Done" lol so...Well done! :)
princetongirl chapter 22 . 10/5/2008
loved it update soon
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