Reviews for The Jedi Tiger Princess
MJSLSBS chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
wow that's really good please up it soon
SagaLogger chapter 1 . 7/28/2003
For a young writer this OK but not great

To those who use cuss words: If you don't like it don't read it

Cuss words are not reviewing they are offensive to those who read the reviews
Siegfried chapter 1 . 8/19/2002
I'm sorry if the title is excessive. But this story suck worse than an ethiopian crack whore. too descriptive, and I mean...WHO GIVES A SHIT what you're stupid jedi princess is wearing. So what. she was a tiger. we don't care. this licks, you douche drinking, feminine spray guzzing, satan hooker. By the way, you suck. slurping out everydrop. That is my description of you're stupid JEDI TIGER. Lick my giant, herculean 20 inch penis. Negroid. Sheeyah

Targaryen chapter 1 . 8/11/2002
You SUCK. These are the most opaque, cliche' characters I have EVER seen, what are you, eight years old? Jedi Tiger Princess with an amulet from her parents? Not only is the wrong Two Dimensional and shallow, but totally not-in character, am I really supposed to beleive that someone from any sort of Nobility is actually talking like an average ditz teenager. Try actually getting into the head of a character before writing them. I just want to say, you have butchered Star Wars. BUTCHERED. Here's a link to a butcher knife, .com So, I leave you with this..

Tigron a.k.a Nick chapter 1 . 11/20/2001
Very nice story there Danny girl. I am not supprised in the least, but I think your the first author to accually make one of my characters look good ~_
dulcea chapter 1 . 7/6/2001
strange but write more