Reviews for Sasuke's Habits
KagomeGirl021 chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
I really really hope you continue this fic! its been way over 2 and 1/2 yrs! please update! this is just so cute! maybe you could add some Mpreg or cause naruto to get stuck in his sexy jutsu (which turns him into a real girl) long enough to give sasuke an heir to his clan and to give naruto a true family. it would be so cute! plus im anxious to see how they get around the law about homosexuality.

riptocs chapter 9 . 4/28/2010
I'm really loving this so far, I personally think Naruto and Sasuke would look good in clashing red and blue yukatas but that's just me. I wonder if they have anything similar to carnival rides in your fic's festival?
Keko-kun chapter 9 . 4/3/2008
Maa maa, this is a good story! I hope your writers block goes away soon, God knows I hate those things.
KianaRia chapter 9 . 2/13/2008
KagomeGirl021 chapter 9 . 2/6/2008
aw sasuke is so sweet to spoil his 'lil kitsune like this. update again soon!
No No 22 chapter 9 . 2/5/2008
I LURV YOUR STORY! THIS IS SO GOING ONTO MY FAVES! Keep going! Don't stop this story! I need to know what happens to Naruto! Don't make the villagers too cruel to Naruto! And if you do, at least make Sasuke or Tsunade beat the crap out of them! Speaking of spelt her name wrong... Don't worry, it's happened to me too! Maybe not with Tsunade's name but with Jiraiya! I used to spell it Jaraiya instead of Jiraiya. Anyways...awsome fanfic! Update soon!

Loves. Later!

-No No 22
PandaBaby87 chapter 9 . 1/31/2008
hmm... il love a sasuke that loved/enjoyed to spoil naruto with love, affection, attention...only have several story that feature that kind of sasuke...
sasuke's-emo-lover chapter 9 . 1/31/2008
yay! you updated! but the chapter was so short! [ it was good though. i loved the sasunaru fluffiness! try to update faster! i understand with that damn writers block! UPDATE SOON!

Thief Ash Naito chapter 9 . 1/30/2008
I...LOVE...your story!X3! I'm thinking about writing a SasuNaru my self, only I can't figure out how in the heck to upload anything! ;.;...But I love your story! Good luck on the story )!
Serenityofthematrix chapter 9 . 1/30/2008
I have read all of you chapters and I decided to write this one review for all. I really like your story can't wait to read more.
Kagollie chapter 9 . 1/30/2008
YAY i think that chapter waz better than the last wait THERE ALL GREAT! I do hope that you keep writing it's REALLY good. well e-mail me back to tell me about the storie i wanna know it will be so much fun i hpoe well bye-bye im going to bed...maybe
RayOfSunshine88 chapter 9 . 1/30/2008
oh wow, i love it! i'm glad you didn't drop this fic, its really good. good job!
Rika'sGrayWolf chapter 9 . 1/30/2008
*squeals* YOU CAME BACK! OH HOW AWESOME IT IS TA HAVE YOU BACK DARLIN'! btw very cute yet sad chappie. you did a very good job on it- though it's not typed how you normally would type it, hm don't feel up ta typing it as ya used to?- i can only guess it would prove ta be a bit time consumming. mew, i shall leave you now, til next chappie,love!-

Kagollie chapter 8 . 1/30/2008
ok please don't cancle it i love it umm can i give u a few ideas for there yukatas? umm well can sasuke wear a dark dlue with lighter blue leaves and naruto could wear an orange one with a sunset desine that has like yellow read that stuff. This is my frist review so i hope it's not too long and i would like to do a joint fan fiction with u but i don't know how to do anything on here exept read and review so please? p.s sorry about the spelling mistakes not a good speller at all :)
Gemini Malfoy-Potter chapter 8 . 9/10/2007
oh please *puppy eyes* do more i can't let it end like that never never like that so please do more becuz sasunaru makes the world spin...

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