Reviews for Ultimate
KuroSakura-chan chapter 2 . 4/26/2007
Ok, though I have no knowledge of Beyblade except that I know who Kai and Rei are, THIS FIC IS GREAT! I was gonna be upset if you didn't bring Kurama into it, but I'm please that he is in it. Granted, reading this while already suffering from a headache is not such a good idea since there are shouts and random happenings. I love the fact that everyone is living together; it just makes things all the more hectic. One question, though. Are any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! charries or the YYH charries gay? It'd make me happy, but it's your fic and your choice. I'll continue reading either way. Please update soon!

Squirrelgurl chapter 2 . 11/11/2006
You finally posted it! *dies*

I've only been waiting for ever for you to post it! Since you banned me from reading while you type it...*grumbles*

HAhaha, I feel bad for poor Kurama, walking in to a crazy house like that. XD