Reviews for Emerald Spark
user589151315 chapter 22 . 5/27/2019
This is looking like a fun story. Going straight to the next one. One thought though, given that X has seriously felt a major need for more green lanterns, why not get most (or even all) of the scooby gang hooked up with rings? I mean seriously, can you imagine the slayer as a GL? IMO That'd be too cool, not to mention the potential for hilarity, for words.
stylo1 chapter 22 . 1/18/2019
why you feel the need to post your stories in 10 separate parts each in itself hardly mode than a one shot is beyond me.
the fact that you use 3 crossovers and make reverences to half a dozen others while discribing the plot with vage hints is incredibly confusing.
story started pretty good but ended in a bit of a crack fic
Axccel chapter 22 . 4/23/2018
Good story!
Axccel chapter 19 . 4/23/2018
Oh, so Cordellia went as Huntress, the Batman-Catwoman daughter, not the villain.
Axccel chapter 18 . 4/23/2018
Gold isn't yellow and the Green Light doesn't quite work that way. In any case, the gold would have expanded and ruined the bullet's trajectory.
Axccel chapter 14 . 4/23/2018
Meh, can't really feel sympathy for Buffy. She is INCREDIBLY self-centered. This is canon, too. She is upset Angel was killed and thinks NOTHING of the people he killed in the meantime and the others Xander told her about. She cares NOTHING that he suffered a century in Hell. She doesn't even care that he clearly does not lover her as he only feels a moment of happiness after using her as a cock-sleeve. She only cares about her imaginary romance that Does. Not. Exist. She is worse than Twilight. Worst of all, that isn't from this fic, that is from the show.
Axccel chapter 12 . 4/23/2018
Uhhh, you do realize one Lantern could wipe out the Ori by himself, right? Hundreds plus the Earth ships is incredible overkill. Buffy has nowhere near the maturity and power to be Wonder Woman, so hopefully she takes a huge "grow the fuck up" pill soon and gets amped up by the Olympians. I'm betting the winged person is an angel. An actual angel.
Axccel chapter 11 . 4/23/2018
Thumbing back the hammer like a noob, some cop. Also, drawing a weapon without being in a situation requiring it is illegal, even for police.

Oh noes, a knife, how its potency against a Green Lantern cannot be deni- ooohp, no, wait. That was a pointless attempt to kill him. He has the power to screw reality with his willpower.
Axccel chapter 10 . 4/23/2018
Buffy's willpower has been established many times to not be all that strong. She has willpower, sure, but it isn't a solid wall like Faith or Xander. Her world revolves around being self-important, which is why she would balk at retirement. Being a Slayer makes her special, in her mind.

We know for sure the Goa'uld didn't destroy the Sentinels as they are nowhere near powerful enough to even threaten a single Lantern in the first place, so some other force must have. Plus, the Sentinels might not have been nearly as powerful as a Lantern Corps, but Xander mustn't assume so.
Axccel chapter 9 . 4/23/2018
I can imagine O'Neill would nerdgasm were he to meet a real live Green Lantern. The rest of Stargate Command would probably have an "Oh, God, we win by default!" reaction.
Axccel chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
That trick with replicating the ring to cheat the end of the spell was BRILLIANT!
Axccel chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
Witchcraft is evil but magic is not. Witchcraft is specifically fornicating with the Devil in exchange for power explicitly given to perform evil acts and tempt other people. Magic is simply magic, like miracles are miracles. Nothing inherently bad about it.
Shadowpawzzz chapter 22 . 8/30/2017
Loresign chapter 15 . 4/3/2017
Come on, the Jedi mind trick in a postscript?


Love the sense of humor.
Loresign chapter 9 . 4/3/2017
Oh, I have to really comment here. THIS IS AWESOME.

I only just finished this chapter, and must WOW. I love what you've done. Can't wait to read more. Will stop commenting now to continue with this absolutely incredible read.
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