Reviews for The Dance
Wicked.Onna chapter 1 . 2/6/2017
absolutely beautiful piece of work you have created
wolf.tun666 chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
omg that was beautiful
obsydiandreams chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
That was all manner a beautiful... Felt tears coming to my eyes as I read, then I finished it and read it again. Amazing.
LunaBianca chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
I haven't been sure about the Rayne ship, but this story lays a plausible foundation. A connection as warriors with dark experiences.
jenefaner chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
Very well done. Very powerful. Kudos!
fiducia chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Wow! Very nice. I"m glad I found this.
Sunshineali chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
I never saw this before and I'm so glad I stumbled upon it. Very cool!
midnightjen chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
i really enjoyed this. really.
KrisEleven chapter 1 . 12/17/2008
Very nice! I love the descriptions. I never actually liked Rayne, but this makes them the perfect pairing. Good job. I thought the use of 'you' was really interesting and it made the story-telling unique, although it seems like there should be a bit more of Mal's unique voice in it.

DruidLass chapter 1 . 4/20/2008
Beautiful and heartbreaking and wonderful and unbelievably sad, all wrapped up in a lyrical flow of words that almost made me cry! You did a wonderful job with this, Lirazel!

jcap1526 chapter 1 . 3/16/2008
This is beautiful, and very original. This is hands-down one of my favorites!
JustAGirl24 chapter 1 . 11/20/2007
Absolutely love this story, it is so beautifully written. I love the part where she asks him to dance with her, and his response is so great. I especially like the end, "Hell, little Moonbrain, I'll dance with you anytime." You did a fantastically wonderful job. I'd say the only thing this needs is a sequel. ;)
Blitz-Sora chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
AWESOME story! D Kickass and brutal, beautiful and touching. Love it!
wyntertwilight chapter 1 . 1/5/2007 I'm pretty speechless and at a loss as to how I can express just how much I loved this story. WOW. Where do I begin? That was intense, brutal, violent and yet at the same time, utterly poetic and so beautiful. I adored it.

The fact that the supposed "final" battle is from Mal's POV is very fitting, I like the idea of the captain, in what he sees as his dying moments, thinking not of himself but how he failed his crew - big damn hero indeed. Even though the rest of the characters featured only briefly, I could really SEE them, because you wrote them perfectly.

The most important aspect of the story though (in my opinion), was the River/Jayne interaction, which was dynamite - I love the way she asks for a dance, and Jayne's response; I love your use of dancing as a metaphor for the fight (reminds me of Buffy/Spike parallels), and I love love love how each becomes aware of him/her-self in the other. It's all just perfect.

On the one hand, I adore this as one-shot and wouldn't want anyone to touch it, ever, but on the other hand, I'm curious as to what a sequel to this would be like. Have you ever had any thoughts about that? Either way, this was a BRILLIANT piece of work, and I take my hat off to you! (Well, I would if I had a hat...)
finkpishnets chapter 1 . 12/17/2006
So incredibly beautiful and perfect. Absolutely wonderful piece of writing.
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