Reviews for Motherhood
Muffin'sback chapter 1 . 3/16/2011
*giggles* That was just so adorable! :D
KrisEleven chapter 1 . 4/5/2009
Well, now, isn't it supposed to be the other way around? The man goes calivanting off and returns home to his wife with a baby? :P This was very cute, and well written. Good job

4-eyedDragon chapter 1 . 11/11/2008
I could totally see Raoul doing something like that! This was really good. I am going into add this to my favorites
LunaSphere chapter 1 . 1/26/2008
very cute, although i couldn't help wishing you'd continued it.
idyllic nocturne chapter 1 . 2/3/2007
Aw! You're story was so sweet!


ShadowGryphyn chapter 1 . 10/21/2006
ooh! how sweet! it's just like Alanna learning how to handle a baby when she first met Thayet and Buri!
Me chapter 1 . 10/15/2006
I like it. Hope your not going 2 keep it as a one shot. I want 2 hear about Raoul and Buri raising a kid.
Lela-of-Bast chapter 1 . 10/15/2006
Wow! This is so amazing. I love the way you wrote Buri. And now Raoul's a daddy! Yay!
disguiseddamsel chapter 1 . 10/15/2006
cute story.. will there be more chapters?

please say yes!
Alex Rose chapter 1 . 10/14/2006
Beautifully written. I really enjoyed this. You're very talented as a writer.
Fabulous and Feminist chapter 1 . 10/14/2006

i love it

please update soon

so? wil she have her firends over eventually?

i like the ideas

and your gramar and punstuation are really good

im a dragon about stuff like that!

but although i have no problem with spelling, im really bad at it, i think you did really well on that front too

love it!
jocat chapter 1 . 10/13/2006
What a beautiful story. I really enjoyed it. I love Raoul And Buri stories...
Alenor chapter 1 . 10/13/2006
lol, nice, i like it, cya later ~ Alenor.
Lady Genevieve chapter 1 . 10/13/2006
Aw. That was lovely. I adore Buri and Raoul and that was just so perfect. Great job.