Reviews for A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor
mysinger chapter 19 . 10/4/2018
Delightful story! I didn't want it to end. I liked your characters and plot. Your Severus and Hermione were spot on. They were also very good for each other. I also liked Harry, especially when he confronted Snape at St. Mungos. Thank you.
AngelDragon1976 chapter 19 . 9/15/2018
Absolutely gorgeous and awesome. Loved the story.
Aigo Snape chapter 19 . 9/7/2018
Guest chapter 19 . 5/28/2015
Loved it!
Rosajean chapter 19 . 2/14/2014
Great story! Loved it!
pewterlocket chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
You write very well and I enjoyed your story for the most part. Not seeing Snape accidentally blowing himself up brewing a potion. Onto more of your stories!
LeahTR chapter 9 . 12/4/2012
"But you haven't hardly ate," she could hear Neville's voice protesting as she made her way out of the doors.
The grammar in this sentence is atrocious! "But you have hardly eaten anything," would be the correct way to say this.
JaneA0202 chapter 19 . 3/24/2011
I already read this story months ago, but when I came across it again, I didnt remember that, only after first chapters I realized that I read it and I wondered why I havent this story in Favourites. Now I know why, also because of how Severus and Hermiones relationship was developing, I expected something different, not constant talking about Ron and Lily.. even though they loved it other in the end, for me it wasnt very that Severuss accident was nice too, like he didnt have enough problems, I know it was quite realistic, but it made those last chapters not happy and exciting like I would have expected from last chapter, but sad and frustrating. But the story wasnt bad, it was well written, I just didnt like those things that happened in it.
Lady Anon chapter 13 . 7/8/2010
All of this 'talking to himself' is making Snape sound mildly scitzo. But I'm not complaining; it's cute.

SerpentSorcery chapter 19 . 9/1/2009
A wonderfully written story. Well done!
Krylenta chapter 19 . 7/31/2009
AW. cute!
Ardastra chapter 19 . 3/28/2009
I truly enjoyed this story, I spent a lovely evening with it :o)

PinkSangria chapter 19 . 1/6/2009
Oh, this was absolutely lovely! This was a wonderful piece of work to curl up to right before bed! Lovely, lovely!

Hm, an extra note, I did notice a few words throughout your story were put together, for example: likethis. It's honestly not too much of a bother, but I suppose if you're up for a meticulous revising sweep of your older work, I say it's not a bad idea to fix up the little tid-bits here and there... That is if you ever get the chance. )

Enough said! Enjoyable piece, highly entertaining!
dapperyklutz chapter 19 . 10/30/2008
WOW! NICE ONE!:D:D SO it's all because of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!_ May he rest in peace, mind you. ANyway, i have most definitely enjoyed reading this such amazing story!:D thank you so much for writing this and sharing it to the world of magic;] hahaha... uhm, what else? oh yes.. the ending was quite a rush though, but it was worth it!:D woohoo! they're engaged!_ em very happy! haha! keep up the good work!:)
dapperyklutz chapter 18 . 10/30/2008
YEHES!:D:D:D:D THEY'RE TOGETHER AT ALST! _ i loved it! HAHAHA XD Healer Dawson was so FUNNY here!:X
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