Reviews for Kenji, Leave Daddy's Hair Alone!
desabled-.-.-.sorry chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
Hahaha, I love it! 3
Marcus Fletcher chapter 1 . 5/3/2008
As always, your perceptions on humor and your creativity do not disappoint. I absolutely love it. _ One or two grammar issues, but that's all I saw wrong, really. Keep it up!
Fullmetal Pipsqueek chapter 1 . 12/10/2007
That was cute
Asher Elric chapter 1 . 10/14/2007
Little Dear One chapter 1 . 10/3/2007
I love this! I always wondered what kind of storyline would acompany Kenshin's haircut, apparently Watsuki-san cut it, just because, but I really like this!

My favourite line:

"Our child cut off this one’s hair… and unevenly!"

LOL! This made me laugh. ) It's short, but very sweet and amusing! I've actually been hunting this fic down because I wanted to read it again and I forgot the name. _; I'm glad I found it! Awesome job! _
kk's lil chihuahua chapter 1 . 1/1/2007
hehe...funny! the story rox but the title rulz!:D:D:D

happy new year
Keiko Mukisune chapter 1 . 11/29/2006
lol. cute.
demonz8000 chapter 1 . 11/20/2006
XDD You have sloved the myestery behind Kenshin's short hair at the end of the manga series! Congrats! I love reading stories that have Kenji doing something to Kenshin. Looks like Yahiko can't handle Kenji as well. Tsk Tsk. Congrats on the story once again!
LuClipse85 chapter 1 . 10/6/2006
*Dying with laughter!* :D

*huggles like crazy for dedication* Minmay-chan spoil nee-chan! _ I loved it! I was crackin' up at "RUN FOR IT, KEN-SAN!" then at "He IS our son." You made Kenji sound like Shin-chan! (laughs)

You gotta make ONE more, just ONE more! Then it'll be a "Kenji" series! This was SO frickin' funny, Minmay-chan! *huggles*

-Nee-chan _~
missingkitsune chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
this is really funny. i love it.

thanks and hope to read more of your work.
GoldAngel2 chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
This was absolutely adorable-Kenji's michievious handling of Daddy's hair was so right on and I could imagine him doing something like that...

Kenshin's reaction was too funny and Yahiko coming on the scene reminded me of the Watsuki short story in Sept Shonen Jump..

A nice touch Tae running interferrence for Kenshin as Kaoru comes searching for her runaway husband..

Very very cute take on the Himura family-:)
Kaotic I. Deas chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Cute little story, and also the reasoning to why Kenshin's long beautiful mane was cute so short at the end of the manga, lol!

Nice job!
mely chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
liked your fic! so funny. )