Reviews for A Simple Tale of 'Doing Him'
Signora Lilium chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
You know how you say, that a good story teller always leaves them wanting more? Well I definitely wan't more. Your definitely going on my favorite Author's list. :)
Bluegoo chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
Ahh, a beautiful snippet of group dynamics _. And Duo's knowledge of fic tropes.


And Wufei's hilarious change of heart .

ChopStickGirl120 chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
This is the best :) I soo love this story. Its so quotable! :D
Kaerith chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Oh, wow. The guys were just so real in this! All the casual teasing, the underwear in the fridge, Wufei channeling Duo with "Tie him up and do him" nearly killed me with giggles.
Hellcat81 chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
i totally adore this one. the guys are so lively together. i really enjoyed this fic. i can really imagine growing so close and easy going with each other after the war. i wish there would be one more fic to set up heero and duo. :D
sugarandsalt chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
This story is so great! I just love the casualness that you portrayed throughout the entire thing. When they were in the kitchen, it was really funny, and extremely believable. That's something most authors aren't strong at, and you are very good at it. Duo's little speech on "storybook romances" was so witty and fantastic, and you could tell that he was having so much fun imagining Trowa and Quatre's relationship to be like a movie.

In particular, I really liked Heero and Wufei's interactions. They were hilarious together, and you could tell that they have certainly loosened up since the war.

Awesome job!
withbothhands chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
ahah! that's great. i love how you showed both sides of the story. that's so adorable! and i love how crazy duo is, and the silent hill reference. i could totally picture trowa angsting in a lazy boy.
bosniadovlin chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
Oh, this story is so funny! It's really nice to see the other bits from the previous story resolved in here as well.
RandomTopic chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
Gah, I should have read this one before Quatre's perspective. 'Cause that puzzle thing was a little vague and left me a little confused after I read Quatre's POV.

But very cool, and very funny. Love the image of Duo pretending to be psycho!obsessed!crazed!Wufei with the newspaper as a weapon.
BritKit chapter 1 . 7/18/2008
I read the other fic and then this one and I love them both. the sheer...wierd ness and yet totally normal-ness of the four of them in Heero's apartment, it's perfect. I love the way you write them together, its fantastic.
YinYangWhiteTiger chapter 1 . 3/25/2008
xD! I love it ever bit of it D ur amazing
AburatsuboDream chapter 1 . 2/21/2008
A good storyteller always leaves them wanting more.

Damned evil! And so very true... .
Pg-chan chapter 1 . 11/21/2007
I like this part more than the other, but I appreciate the other appearing X3 Would love even if this continued. But really I'm commenting to say how much I appreciate you being able to write guys being guys. I noticed this in some of your other fics I peeked at too. You give each of them a pretty distinct voice, and there's good chemistry here.
R.C. McLachlan chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
Oh, this and it's counterpart story were absolutely fantastic!
SidewalkChalk2718 chapter 1 . 7/31/2007
Okay, first off I must praise you! This was refreshing to read after a whole series of 1x2 fics. It seems that there are so few stories centered around this couple (although they are in the background of plenty others!) So thanks for writing a good one! As for advice on improving your style, it's all just my opinion. I don't see Wu Fei the way you portrayed him, and I tend to object to using "baka" in reference to Duo because Heero doesn't ever speak Japanese in the series (well, he does in the original non-dub, but that's because it was produced in Japan and not because he is of Japanese heritage). However, I love that you have actually made Duo smart here, instead of the hyperactive stereotype that haunts his image. So like I said, my criticisms are all my opinion/preference. There is nothing here that screams OOC or bad. Your style is just fine.

Now, the real reason I'm reviewing this is because the last few lines sparked another one-shot idea in my mind. Now, I don't know if you take requests, but if you're interested I would love to see a one-shot where Duo takes his own advice and "just does Heero".

But if you don't, that is okay. I just thought it would be a great addition _

Great job, again!

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