Reviews for Voldemort's Daughter
Undertheskys chapter 33 . 4/3/2018
The story was good, wish it was still updating. To be honest, I think there should be more chapters with Kagome, it didnt feel like she was in story very much near the last 10 chapter. I need more of Kagome and Draco, rather than Hermione and Draco because there was quite a bit of that but I guess it was due to the bet.
Coolfire30 chapter 33 . 2/25/2018
holy shit. fucking update pleasssssseeeeeee
Coolfire30 chapter 3 . 2/18/2018
I could not breathe
zizi08 chapter 33 . 10/14/2017
Please update
WhiteRose-Kurama chapter 33 . 3/25/2016
This has been one intense and addicting story. There are so many plots and side plots that weave together so perfectly. This has been a very unique reading experience since I've never come across a fic that incorporates a magic academy where students start at the age of 4 and learn wandless magic in their classes. It's interesting how well the mechanics from the Inuyasha anime translate very well into 7 different name types instead of youki and miko powers. I look forward to see how everything plays out in the end. Please keep up the good work and update soon. :P

Also, I really love Nells since he's a magical elf that's off his rocker.
PatrinePtn chapter 33 . 3/9/2016
Loving it! Hope you update soon!
Kuro-Ookami-Inu chapter 33 . 1/11/2016
I liked it, though at some points its a bit confusing, and there are parts where I dont really understand, but that could just be me! Kagome is rather um...submissive when it comes to Sesshomaru & I get the felling that you are portraying her to be extremely weak, perhaps she could just get tired of everyone telling her what to do/ treating her like an object & grow a back bone? I am not trying to be rude or anything just a simple suggestion .
Jinma chapter 33 . 5/21/2015
Please update soon! I love this story! Can't wait to read the rest!
Guest chapter 16 . 3/20/2015
Hi! I ADORE Ilywellyn!
Vertigo Venom chapter 33 . 3/3/2015
Wow great story so far! Everything is getting more serious & slowly secrets are being revieled. Its got me wanting to read more. Keep up the amazing work and update again soon! - V.V.
Gooberdee chapter 33 . 2/12/2015
YES you updated and it was awesome
im ur misconception chapter 33 . 2/12/2015
hmm it has been a while. But I don't recall reading this... ERM... did you by chance change your screen name? Cause I keep a folder for updates from each author.

But I will say this is intriguing and had a good laugh at kagomes "Legit and rational thoughts" cause that is what Sesshoumaru has done. And now he is making it worth while that she protect herself. The Dog Lord never does anything without reason, even it amuses him to torture.. I mean irritate others.
Kimichiii chapter 32 . 2/10/2015
Just finished reading this story in two days and I'm quite liking it. There are a few things that bug me with it, though. Such as how you have so much focus on Chaviah. I get that she's quite important in the story (and I'm guessing that she's the one that's going to end up with Harry), though she does take away from Kagome's and Draco's story quite a bit. Though not to say I don't like Chaviah, though there are a few things that bother me about her besides the attention she gets in the story. I can't really believe how Snape is so alright with her way of dressing, not only because she attracts so much attention, but also because I'm pretty sure it's against the policy to adjust the uniform. Of course, you don't have to pay any attention to what I've said. This is your story, so you can do whatever you like with it.

Also, I quite like your style of writing. It's pretty descriptive, yet is not annoyingly so. You have a very nice way of writing this story. I can see that the characters can get OOC at times, but it doesn't bother me much, which says something considering how much I don't like writers making canon characters OOC without a plausible reason.

I'm very anxious to read the next chapter. I noticed you haven't updated since last year July and I hope that you won't stop writing this story. I very much like it and hope to read from you soon! :)
Kurokat chapter 32 . 2/2/2015
I love this! XD I wish there was more!
DvsV chapter 32 . 2/1/2015
Mate, This is great. Would love to read the rest of this. Hopefully you are still around to give one :/

I will not pretend to be a great reviewer, but if you actually care about my opinion, you can reach me at , or
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