Reviews for All I Ask of You
kayleigh101 chapter 2 . 10/25/2011
this is really good are u going to do any more chapters or is that u done with the story
Lilies in the pond of Doom chapter 2 . 11/14/2006
Ah, still so great! Luna is one of a kind, isn't she? Your characterization of Ginny is fantastic, and I really like the idea of Percy and Lee tgether. But I told you so last time around, didn't I?

A few nitpics:

"the Camber of secrets"

"The fabric covered her all the way to her ankle" - sounds like she only has one of them!

"It’s been quite a lot going on" I would replace It's with there's. But that's a very minor nitpick.

"it had been her who dumped him" - it had, in fact, been she who dumped him.

"cried at night when she tough nobody could hear her" - thought. Though I suppose you realize that.

Yes, that's how annoying I am. Everyone writes typos now and then, though, and this is still an amazing chapter, and I still haven't uite gotten over how drastic the imporovements in your writing style are. So cudos to you, and please update soon!
Lilies in the pond of Doom chapter 1 . 11/14/2006
Hey! What happened? I turn my back for, what, half a year? And when I come back, you're a better writer than me! Not fair!

Seriously, though, this is impressive. Really, really impressive. You need a line break or something where you switch from Hermione's perspective to Ron's, but other than that, this is top-quality writing. The descriptions, the characterization, everything. I'm stumped. Great job, keep it up.
ballerinadoll9 chapter 2 . 10/10/2006
o he got served
ballerinadoll9 chapter 1 . 9/16/2006
update soon so far so good
Maxie1514 chapter 1 . 9/16/2006
keep writing