Reviews for What If Dean Had Asthma?
grayson4life chapter 6 . 7/12/2017
holy sh* t (sorry) that was depressing...
ReluctantRavenclaw chapter 6 . 11/9/2015
This was so sad! Very well written and extremely interesting but so sad. I'm glad they got a somewhat happy ending even if Sam and Jessica had to die for it to happen, and Dean always being stuck as a 13 year old broke my heart
Guest chapter 6 . 4/25/2015
This was awesome. Really sad but awesome.
fuzzy bunnies chapter 6 . 6/3/2014
Jesus who would have thought that Sammy dying would be a happy ending but somehow it works
myapplemonkey chapter 2 . 3/17/2011
That little girl! Oh my god! That's so sweet! :3 She annoyed me at first, and then she was all sweet, so I love her anyways.

BUT THOSE BOYS. I could just kill them. THAT'S SO MEAN. GRR.

But okay, :3
myapplemonkey chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
Oh my gawsh. I bawled my eyes out from the first words. This is so incredibly heart breaking.

But I love it and I want to know what's going to happen, and if I didn't want to know what's going to happen so bad, I'd stop reading. But I'm loving the way this pulls at my heartstrings.

So. :3
Zerestor chapter 6 . 1/6/2009
That was probably the saddest fanfiction I've ever read.

Was sniffing from start to end.

Very well written. Painfully well written.


girlfan1979 chapter 6 . 9/6/2007
Oh my god, but this is so powerful.

I'm not stunned in the sense that I know you write good stuff, but I'm still stunned. This story hits like a piano falling on you. It's such an honest portrayal of grief, and of - literally - life after death.
Sinead-Conlan chapter 6 . 5/9/2007
I know this was written ages ago but I've just read it and had to review ...Holy heck! that really tugged at my heart strings. What a fantastic story!
beepchoc chapter 6 . 11/15/2006
im reviewing this in tears. from the first line i knew it would be heartwrenching. and as it went on i had to stop several times. Its practically tearwrenching. And the way you wrote. . magnificent. Its pretty hard for fanfics to get me in tears but it worked and i cant stop crying. Wow im upset and happy at the same time because of this story. . . especially with the ending, which set me off. kudos to you
em chapter 6 . 11/14/2006
This was one of the best stories I have read one of the few I h

onestly felt moved by. Espicially this last chapter with Jess wearing the jacket and Sam had to ask for it back. So simple and really heartbreaking to read.
Taiven chapter 6 . 11/9/2006
My gosh this story was amazing! I was literally crying almost throughout the entire thing, but the ending was at least a happy one. You write very well. Incredible job!
corneroffandom chapter 6 . 11/8/2006
Holy sheesh. Somehow I figured it would end like this when I read the scene with Jess and Sam at the start of this scene. It's sad but... kinda happy, all the same. You know?
daisymaygirl1 chapter 6 . 11/8/2006
I hardly ever cry at fan fics but I am crying now. From the moment Sam heard Dean I was a wreck and that last line just completely destroyed me. I was so happy that Sam found Dean and John eventually, the poor boy had waited long enough to be reunited with his brother and his father.

This was an utterly beautiful story.

And I need to go and find a hankie now..Just thinking about the jacket makes me want to cry..
Annibal chapter 6 . 11/7/2006
Ah! Aw...I loved this story. It's so good! It had me in tears at the end-happy tears! Which rarely happens. So way to go, you induced leakage from my visual recepticals. Though, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure how much I liked them all dying. Not John and Dean, since that's the premise, but the end was almost too happy with them dying so it felt kind of...weird to me, I guess. I dunno what I'm really trying to say. I guess I like more bittersweet endings, like if Sam had lived longer and tried to fight the demon, or whatever. I dunno. I like it the way it is, a lot, but my imagination is running away with more what ifs. Lovely story-a truly wonderful, heartwrenching read.
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