Reviews for Vacancy
Guest chapter 13 . 6/2
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
Guest chapter 15 . 5/26
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26
Matiky chapter 26 . 5/5
thanks for sharing! wow you did 100k in 3 years, that's pretty impressive!

i enjoyed this story of slightly more mature slayers fighting off another apocalypse together. like how it all kind of seemed to fall together naturally. you had good amounts of humour, drama, angst, and action.

relieved you gave a relatively happy ending to everyone. had me worried a few times.

thanks again for sharing and that you stuck to it and got it completed. hope you're well.
spiritedghost chapter 14 . 10/8/2015
Okay I have a question, which means I am going to bitch (just a little). Why in the name of all that is holy would Willow bitch about the cost of a pool table and want other slayers to pitch in. I mean these slayers work hard so you would think a pool table, which by the by the game rely s on skills such as hand eye coordination. It is also basic strategy, so come on lighten up on the cost WILLOW. The Watches council is worth 2.1 billion dollars for the love of god. Okay I feel better but I want Willow to call me and explain herself or there will be hell to pay. My number is 888-888-8888. Thank you. Oh still lovin' the story.
spiritedghost chapter 13 . 10/8/2015
Okay I have a question, which means I am going to bitch (just a little). Why in the name that is holy would Willow bitch about the cost of a pool table and want other slayers to pitch in. I mean these slayers work hard so you would think a pool table, which by the by the game rely s on skills such as hand eye coordination. It is also basic strategy, so come on lighten up on the cost WILLOW. The Watches council is worth 2.1 billion dollars for the love of god. Okay I feel better but I want Willow to call me and explain herself or there will be hell to pay. My number is 888-888-8888. Thank you. Oh still lovin' the story.
spiritedghost chapter 12 . 10/8/2015
I have to say, "Not bad as stories go." You have just the right balance of humor to make me laugh and enough action to keep me reading. No I have not forgotten the foreplay to romance. It is just a tedious build. That I am not to crazy about, but I understand why your doing it. You are trying to drive me crazy and hey it is working (laughs and offers a smirk that slowly turns into a grin) Sorry I also write. Now for the FUN. I said you have humor that makes me laugh and her it is... "Yup," Kennedy turned to look over at Faith, grinning, "Go act baity." I mean that was priceless and a great end to the chapter.
lemon-rind chapter 26 . 10/23/2014
Great ride. Thanks for the story.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/19/2014
I don't see the need to have those two stupid vampires in the story, ugh
Guest chapter 11 . 9/18/2014
Find it hard to believe a really smart, slayer would date a loser like xander. Haha
Guest chapter 9 . 9/17/2014
I feel it very unnecessary to mention stupid pathetic wood. Isn't it bad enough he was on the show? And they didn't "split" cuz they were never together
Zombie35 chapter 26 . 4/17/2014
Took a couple days to read it all and I gotta say loved every moment of it!
Doritos79 chapter 1 . 3/7/2014
very well :)
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