Reviews for hsurbriaH a fo tnaW nI In Want of a Hairbrush
AJ Granger chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
I must say - I would love if you devoted more time to writing these great Harry/Luna moments. Another great piece that leaves me wanting more.
ImGlowing chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
I am literally bursting with feels. I feel like I want to keep pressing the favorite button until it breaks, because this was AMAZING.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
yes yes we are love it especially how you showed Luna ... it really explained her character and why shes a ravenclaw
Bagge chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
What a beautiful, Lunaish story. I enjoy the thought of the gang having to spend weeks in the room of requirement to find the horcrux - and with help of Luna's mother's notes as well. Until the last book that was a perfectly plausible scenario.

Luna's ideas about emotions are sincere and true to herself - and it does both explain bit of her personality and make a wonderful contrast to Harry.

As for the mirror, introducing it was a very good climax of the story. However, I dare say there was a bit more to Luna's hairbrush than she let on. If we are to extrapolate from the photo of her and her mother the trio saw when they met Xenophilius Luna's hair was better kept when her mother was alive, and thus the hair brush could be a symbol for that happier time. Luna Lovegood is very fond of her symbols, be they radishes or Blibbering Humbingers.

And I dare say there is a very good risk for the plan backfiering. It is perfectly plausible that finding the horcrux is not Harry's heart's desire the moment he just kissed Luna Lovegood...

Well done.
Scabbers1957 chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
I still say that Luna/Harry pairings are the best...she just so gets him.

I'll add this to my favs & Haruna (Harry/Luna) community

well done.

CocoaCollidoscope chapter 1 . 5/20/2008
It's the hairbrush! It's the hairbrush. And you're evil for ending it there. VERY cute one-shot. :)
ladyknyght chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
I really enjoy the wisdom you bring to Luna that she in-turn brings to Harry.

I know we've touched on this before, but you have more story here. You should continue it.
Shaggy37 chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
Outstanding Begining! that was odd just like Luna is which is why I like her she's such an underdeveloped character its sad actually...sometimes I curse JKR because she doesn't develop characters to there full extent...anyways you have I mean you've completely captured the essence of Luna...hehe. do keep up the outstanding work:):):):)