Reviews for Chauvelin
Verity Kindle chapter 2 . 4/5/2008
Wow, this is so great, You've really gotten inside Chauvelin's head and captured his...Chauvelin-ness. Amazing. Crisp, clear writing that truly captures his voice as well.
MrsTurner007 chapter 4 . 12/18/2007
You are a fabulous writer. With other people, its so tempting to skip over the descriptive character paragraphs...but i couldn't! lol Thank you for a wonderful Chauvelin experience. He's one of my favorite villains.

Keep up the awesomeness,

~bethykins the magnificent.
phantomsangelofmusic chapter 4 . 11/4/2007
This was a wonderful story, I was so glad to find a Scarlet Pimpernel fanfic which delved into Chauvelin's mind as accurately as this one. He is my favorite character and I'm glad to see someone potray him as you did. Bravo!
Ladybug21 chapter 4 . 7/19/2007
This is a truly beautiful story! I absolutely loved this book, and although I am madly in love with Percy, Chauvelin is certainly one of my favorite characters. Actually, Marguerite and Percy are both fascinating characters too, but there's something so mysterious about Chauvelin and his unwillingness to see beyond the cause of the revolution, his ability to manipulate people seemingly without guilt, that just fascinates me. I haven't seen the musical of "The Scarlet Pimpernel," but I love Chauvelin's big song, "Falcon in the Dive," which touches on his internal conflicts about the revolution and killing people and such - nice and angsty. Your story somewhat reminded me of that song. I love the whole plot with Chauvelin's daughter that you added in - pity you're done with the fic, I would have liked to see him interact with her in a more positive light.

Thanks for such a great fic! Keep writing!
Diane Coffin chapter 4 . 6/20/2007
Good gracious, but your writing is insightful and elegant! I have read your stories over the past few days and have thoroughly enjoyed each one. Well done indeed!

I see from your profile that you're in your third year of Pimpernel obsession. I'm only in my third month (I picked up the book on a whim when I decided to go on a swashbuckler kick), I made my way through all the books but one, and I'm so pleased to have found your work when first searching for fan fiction. If there are any other archives I should explore, I'd love to hear about them...

Aren't obsessions wonderfully fun? Thank you for feeding mine! Your writing is thoughtful, intelligent, exquisite, and a genuine pleasure.
cequins chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
"As a shadow in the corners of her apartment on the Rue de Richelieu, haunting her little circle of the great and the glorious, Chauvelin had found the young Marguerite St Just to be artificial – beautiful, yes, but her appearance in his eyes had been marred by her awareness of her own charms. Her whole life had seemed to him a continuation of her work on the stage, always playing to an audience until her outward personality had become merely another role."

Goodness! While I admire Marguerite's character, I can actually admit I felt as Chauvelin feels here, that her life as St. Just was immature, unreal and somewhat immodest. Perhaps Percy's estrangement was good for her, otherwise she would have continued her life as an actress, and Percy (however happy) might not have known the difference. Just my thoughts.

Anyhow, it's about time someone wrote about our dear little Chauvelin! At times his character seems more elusive than Percy's own thought processes, and a little more pitiable. Oh well... I top my cap to this one! :)
zebulline chapter 3 . 2/21/2007
That's so very Chauvelin to see her wife as inferior to him. If she was still alive maybe he would not be able to make her very happy, always tormented by his responsabilies and thinking that he cannot open his heart to her. How sad is it however, that he has lost her, how could he give Fleurette the tender love she deserves? This last chapter is so deeply touching that we wish that you could continue to explore the depths of Armand Chauvelin' mind. A masterpiece.
zebulline chapter 2 . 2/21/2007
Very moving insight of Chauvelin as he tries to understand how he could bring back Marguerite to his own conceptions of the Republique and to what he thinks to be her duty, not ready to admit the real reason why she married Blakeney, her love for her husband.
zebulline chapter 1 . 2/21/2007
That's so beautifully written that I feel like I was reading the real story. You have entered the world of Chauvelin as if you were inside him. I am so glad to see someone interested enough by his true personality to understand his character exactly as Orczy has imagined him.
Mizamour chapter 3 . 9/22/2006
Absolutely wonderful new chapter... your descriptions are poetic and beautiful as always, and your characterization of Chauvelin only deepens with each chapter... very insightful and beautiful! I love it, and can't wait for more!
Jade9 chapter 3 . 9/9/2006
Hello my dear!

That was a truly wonderful addition to the tale. I loved the ruminations on Chauvelin's marriage - especially the fact that he has ingrained prejudices that he was not even aware of. It does go a long way to expaining his warped perceptions of people - especially Marguerite.

I think that aspect is encapsulated in this line: "Chauvelin would not let his daughter surrender her identity for a false ideal or a step up the ladder, as Marguerite St Just had done" - I think that this high-lights the fact the Chauvelin's insights into Marguerite's character and her motivations are erroneous because he can only judge her by his own prejudices (which have now become inverted). It was very well done. And I did feel sorry for him in losing his wife, but I can't help but feel that poor Fleur would have been made very unhappy in the end by him.

I know that you said that this would be the last chapter, but I would love to have just one more - say after Gris Nez when he realises that Percy has escaped. And he might start to realise that he isn't as great a judge of character as he thought?

Anyhow, I did really enjoy this and I look forward to reading anything you might be producing in the future.

Peace and love

Jade xx
Mizamour chapter 2 . 9/8/2006
Beautiful writing, once again, and a difficult, very well done justification of Chauvelin! I love studying the French Revolution as well, as you seem definitely to have done - great story!
Mizamour chapter 1 . 9/8/2006
Beautifully written and a wonderful analysis - great insight into Chauvelin's character! Your word choice is beautiful, and your descriptions, amazing - this is wonderful writing. I can't wait to see more!
goodbyelovergirl chapter 1 . 9/5/2006
I always love your stories! Please keep writing!
Jade9 chapter 2 . 9/2/2006
This is a very good start to the story.

You capture the descriptions wonderfully and there is a very real sense of who Chauvelin is.

I'm intrigued to know what is in the glass frame - I wondered if it might be a miniature of Fleurette?

I loved the moment when Chauvelin looked at himself in the mirror and the comparison with himself and the other men - how he sees them.

I know that this is a story from Chauvelin's point of view, but there was one thing that bothered me about it. I think it's great that you're trying to put across Marguerite's actions from his perspective, but she comes across as being very shallow and a bit stupid. She can act stupidly, there is no denying that, but it's not because of a lack of intellect and I think that's one of the things that is lacking in the way she is perceived in this story. I can see that Chauvelin's view of her is coloured by the politics of the situation, but I do think that he credits her intelligence - not just superficial wit - more than comes across here.

But this has the makings of a wonderful story and I am keen to see how you develop it in line with the rest of 'TSP' narrative.