Reviews for A Friend Is
Crimson Masquerade chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
Beautiful! I just love it. My favorite part is where Sasuke doesn't want to admit it, but he knows he belongs with Naruto as well. And of course the end was so simple and that was what made it brilliant. This is so well-done, an amazing tribute to SasuNaru.
rainbow cupcake chapter 1 . 9/6/2008
I REALLY like this one.
LilMonkeyGirl chapter 1 . 5/15/2007
That's perfect!
MissCloud chapter 1 . 12/31/2006
OMG! That was so true! And adorable! It was nicley thought out and I LOVED the ending it was awesome. ) *FAVES*
organizedchaos2006 chapter 1 . 12/15/2006
That was just superb! its the cutest sasuke naruto friendship fic ive ever read.I absolutly love it! it was amazingly written i love this part:

If you were to ask Sasuke what a friend is, he would simply say, “Naruto.”

_amazing job.
Libelula202 chapter 1 . 8/31/2006
Wow, just wow. This story is utterly amazing, and I'm going to have to fav it. This is also a perfect definition of their friendship, and it astounds me that you could write it this well. I'm truly in awe of this story, not to say that your writing suck, but this is a stroke of genius! :D I really like how you said, at the end, that Sasuke would simply say Naruto. It's a great ending. XD

still in awe,

Intense Innocence chapter 1 . 8/31/2006
That was the fricken cutest Naru/Sasu friendship fic i have ever read! i am NOT kidding you!

it was so simple and simply perfect.

it even brought tears to my eyes! good job! i usually don't cry over stories or books (only movies and stuff)

very well written.. my favorite line was the end!

If you were to ask Sasuke what a friend is, he would simply say, “Naruto.” THAT was just ADORABLE!

oh man~! very good! *i have to put it on my alert list, cause r faves are full at the moment... but it was so darn good!*