Reviews for Do You Remember Me?
jim wonton chapter 1 . 4/5/2019
I think this was a beautiful masterpiece. you really caught jimmy's character and personality. your a brilliant writer and you deserve more credit. i hope you get a noble peace prize for this! from astrick
bislama chapter 33 . 12/1/2018
Hola! Es muy posible que ya no utilices esta plataforma/cuenta, ya que han pasado 12 años desde que publicaste la historia! Pero aún así tengo que dejarte mi agradecimiento por haber creado una historia tan buena, llena de amor y con una trama que siempre te mantiene dudando, fue tan entretenido y placentero leerlo. Me gustó el hecho de conocer a los personajes crecidos, aunque como apuntan algunos otros comentarios, quizás faltó explotar más la personalidad original de los personajes; evidentemente éstos no pueden seguir actuando como niños y sobre todo porque el tono de la historia es dramático-triste (por así decirlo) dado que gran parte de la historia gira en torno a la muerte de Jimmy, pero sí que pueden actuar con base en sus distintos modos de pensar y actuar que los caracterizan. Sé que lo hiciste de algún modo con Jimmy y Cindy sobre todo (dado que son los protagonistas de esta historia), como el hecho de que Cindy fuera más emocional que Jimmy y éste más calculador, pero no sé, tal vez Cindy podría mostrarse un poco más agresiva en ciertos momentos, o Carl podía sonar más tierno/sonso, así como Sheen podía ser un poco más alocado. De ahí en fuera, todo me pareció excelente! Casi no dejaste hilos sueltos, ni abandonaste las reacciones/sentimientos de personajes secundarios, como los papás de Jimmy y Cindy. En fin, muchas gracias nuevamente por habernos traído una historia digna para los fans que amamos esta serie y que desde luego, forma parte de nuestra niñez. Saludos desde la Ciudad de México!
Hi! It's very possible that you aren't using this plattform/account anymore, since it's been 12 years when you pubblished this story! But anyway, it is my duty to leave you my gratitude for making a such good story, full of love and with a plot that always is keeping you doubting, it was so entertained and pleassurable to read it.
I liked the fact of meeting the main characters grown, although as some commentaries point, maybe it would have been better to explode more the original personalities of the main characters; evidently these ones can't keep actings as kids besides the fact that the story tone is sort of "dramatic/sad" (by putting it a name) because a big part of the plot spins around Jimmy's death, but they sure can act based on their different thinking and acting modes which characterize them. I know you did it somehow with Jimmy and Cindy, after all they're the protagonists in this story. For example, the fact that Cindy is more emotional and Jimmy on the other side is more cold, but I don't know, maybe Cindy could have shown a little more aggresive in certain moments. Carl could have sound more tender/silly or Sheen could have been crazier. I think everything else was excellent! You almost didn't leave "loose threads", neither abbandoned reactions or emotions of seccondary characters, like Jimmy's and Cindy's parents. Anyway, so many mcthankies from Mc Spansky for have brought us a dignified story for the fans who love this show and which certainly was a part of our childhood. My thankful greetings from México City!
smus2001 chapter 33 . 11/1/2018
great story
Eason Lucis Caelum chapter 4 . 9/9/2018
Kiennaw chapter 33 . 3/15/2018
good ending. but it would be funnt if he get fired again coz have Real realtionship with student
K.T.Waterflower chapter 33 . 2/1/2018
Nice story. I loved the adventure that happy and I always excited on what happen next. However to me the characters seem flat and out of sync with the originals. I couldn't relate or empathize with either of them.

Except for her sleeping over at James house I didn't find a reason for the professors to send away James and suspect such a relationship to form between them. When went on a crazy emotional roller coaster when she was in his office (which I still don't really understand why) then he kiss her ( which was okay) but the way he reacted afterwards by laughing his butt was completely unexpected and up to now I still don't understand why that he laughed so hard and think it was a mistakenly left in the story by accident. She barely even react and there was no follow up on it or another kiss in the final chapter when he was leaving again. Even when Cindy confessed her love for him I was confused as to why because I didn't know what he done as "James" to really cause her to fall in love with him other than his looks and eyes. So I couldn't really empathize or understand. Plus it wasn't really dramatic throughout the story although I did find the part when we found out who was staring at her and kidnapping her hilarious.

I did love the overall plot and the idea of having Jimmy having amnesia and teaching Cindy later in his class to be good. Although what was Cindy thinking when she transferred to his class again after she got him fire from his last job from just being friends? I'm guessing they are actually in a relationship now so it's going to be worse if the board find out they are dating especially if she is in his class.

I hope you don't think I being too harsh or a mean, I think you did a great job for this being your first story, I enjoyed it. I just think it could have a little more romantic or dramatic even though you claim it's not all feelings but about two people willing to fight for and stick to another but even that didn't really shine though the whole story, especially one with a T rating. I think this has a nice set up for a good sequel about how they hide their forbidden relationship while trying to make it work at the same time.
romeosami7 chapter 14 . 1/12/2018
DNA test?
robot584 chapter 3 . 12/22/2016
instant classic
BeaRizy chapter 33 . 4/4/2016
This story of yours is romantic 3 I love them both on your story! Great fic
Andy NV chapter 33 . 9/24/2015
Hi there!

Before everything, maybe I read this too late but better late than never.

I don't know how to say this but here I go. You write so beautiful... But I don't like your fanfic as fanfic. I like the originality and the history too, but I don't saw Jimmy, Cindy, Libby, Carl, Sheen not even the rest of characters of "The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron", I saw a lot of characters try to act as the guys I know with similar names that them.

Sorry if you dislike this review but I had to do because you must know you have a great imagination and write very well.
Bea chapter 29 . 8/15/2015
Hey! I cried on this part! XD i don't know why! Speciay on the part that Jimmy is telling about the promise! Great Job!
Lovepatrolalpha1344 chapter 33 . 7/10/2015
This was such an amazing story! Thank you for writing it, it really was fun to read. I loved it, but I just have one question. Whatever happened to Eustace Strych?
Rusty chapter 33 . 5/26/2015
The whole book was awesome
Rusty chapter 2 . 5/26/2015
im not a huge fan of reading fanfiction like full books but this book (very long story) is awesome the is a huge plot twists and everything. It's is a lot of fun to read. So far so good
Guest chapter 33 . 3/28/2015
Good plot and well written. I rate it a 15 out of 10!
Good luck in your future stories!
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