Reviews for Sweet Like Candy
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
I wish this would have continued, though it works for chapters and just one chap.
P.O.J.A chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Really great story! A few spelling errors here and there, but nothing major. The only real qualm I had was the use of Serenity's English name, yet all the other character's retained their Japanese names. I knew who you were referring to, but it makes reading easier if you stuck to using purely English names, or purely Japanese names.

I must say the premise of the story was a sweet (literally) and unique touch to the fandom. And fear not, you are not the only person obsessed with DMB :D You captured Kaiba's personality really well with this fic, and I like how a mature Serenity still retained some of her innocence with all the blushing and what not she did in Kaiba's presence.

That kiss...boy did it heat up my already warm room! Nice use of descriptive language, it made the scene feel all too real in my mind. I loved it. The flirting that led up to it was also an entertaining read; "I think I might have a bun in the oven"...priceless line!

Great story, I hope to read many more SxS fics from you in the future. I think I'll start my browsing your profile and catching up on any SxS goodness you may have already written. Keep up the great work LSB!


P.O.J.A _
Aarontica chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
I liked the bun in the oven part and the rest of that conversation. It gave me a good laugh.
Kenji Hino chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
Very cute.

One of the best SetoxSerenity oneshots I've read. .

And Serenity's determination was a great addition.

Most writers tend to forget how stubborn Serenity can be.

After all, she is Joey's sister. :)
Bob785244755 chapter 1 . 2/19/2007
Aww.. that was so sweet!
Writer Elsewhere chapter 1 . 1/12/2007
Aww, cute. _ I liked it, alot. Good job, it was preetty good.
E.E. Kuechler chapter 1 . 11/18/2006
Wonderful! How about a second chapter with Kaiba returning?
RuberDuckling chapter 1 . 11/15/2006
Oh my gosh that was gr8! There both really well...chatty people in one way or another and you put the conversations together reeally well!
Light of the Sorrow chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
Aw! It's so cute! It's going into my favorites. Love it! You shld write more. :D
SetoxSerenity4ever chapter 1 . 8/31/2006
what a cute chapter.
Kariah chapter 1 . 8/18/2006
Great oneshot i especially liked it.
ANAYAS-CREATER chapter 1 . 8/8/2006
Watch your pronoun-antecedent agreements

Ex: Mai had left through the kitchen back door a few moments ago saying she had to get home. She couldn't blame her since she had a new born child at home all alone with her husband, or better known as her big brother.

I understand what you were getting at, but it sounds like Mai can't blame Serenity and that Serenity is married to her own brother. Yeah, gotta watch that.

Otherwise, this was a really good one-shot. Descriptive, but not over the top. Just the right amount of humor. Very good. You should create a follow up story.
Sour Schuyler chapter 1 . 8/7/2006
I loved it! It was VERY cute! There were a few spelling errors here and there, but most of all the message that came across was: sweet. _ Very nice!
CocoaCorruption chapter 1 . 8/7/2006
You're so talented! Normally I don't like this pairing very much, but you changed my opinion.

Keep it up!
Aperira chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
Wow, I had actually fallen "out" of love with silentshipping. I used to be crazy about it, but cliche plots killed my interests. Happily enough I have fallen in "love" with Silentshipping all because of this fic! I love the bun in the oven joke. Totally original! I LOVE it! _
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