Reviews for Marty Wept
Guest chapter 2 . 6/26
I know this fic is just a trashy angst trope but man I just keep reading it for some reason lol
thegeekykitty chapter 12 . 4/18/2016
Ok while I do sort of like this idea that you have, I don't care for your portrayal of Marty here. I won't doubt that Marty has a sensitive and emotional side(heck it was proven by the way he reacts to Doc getting shot the second time and finding his dad's gravesite in the rich Biff 1985), but here he comes off as a bit too blubbery than in canon(here he could probably give both Tobey McGuire and SpongeBob SquarePants a run for their money). I believe there's a term for when male characters who are usually tougher and more assertive in canon are turned into massive criers in fanfics and that's wimpification, that term usually pops up in slash fics but it can still show up in any regular fic. My point is I just don't see Marty as the type who cries at every little thing, he's a strong and tough fella who can handle any kind of setback thrown at him. I'm truly sorry, I wanted to like this but I just didn't care for the execution.
Zellona chapter 7 . 9/21/2015
I love this story. It's nice that you touch on Marty's more emotional side; it makes this feel more realistic.

One thing I want to point out is you should try to tone down your use of what I call "filler words" (very, actually, quite, simply, etc.), because overuse of them disrupts the story more than anything else. I get it, believe me - I have the same problem. Just try to read over parts where you use those words and ask yourself, "Do I really need this here?" Try seeing what the sentence sounds like without them; it's often much smoother.

Of course, I'm new to this fandom and your fic is goodness knows how old, so this might be a moot point. Still, on the off chance it might help, I thought I would point that out.

Happy writing!
Guest chapter 12 . 8/7/2014
Nice story! I love Bttf
Blake2020 chapter 12 . 2/11/2014
cool chapter
Blake2020 chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
cool chapter
unusedaccount0976 chapter 12 . 11/4/2012
Truely touching. All of it! I just love their relationship. Great job!
Wishmaker1028 chapter 12 . 10/29/2010
This was a very good story. You did an excellent job. You even had me crying! You captured Marty and Doc's friendship perfectly!
solisandluna chapter 10 . 3/6/2008
Oh that was so sweet! I loved it so much!
Freebird87 chapter 8 . 9/1/2007
Man, what a bad day for Marty.
Freebird87 chapter 2 . 9/1/2007
I agree. Crying does make you feel better.
Phish Tacko chapter 10 . 8/27/2007
NoLongerUseddd chapter 10 . 8/1/2007
those girls are so sweet...i almost felt like crying in almost allof the stories...especially #8 Bad Day.
NoLongerUseddd chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
AW doc & marty are truly a mach made in heaven when it comes 2 their friendship.
Maggie Cohen chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
Very cute - I love Marty in these. Good job.
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