Reviews for A Kiss for A Prince
Kit chapter 15 . 3/19
Awww you never finished this lovely story :( well, it is a wonderful story, I appreciate it. If you could finish it though, I'd be very very grateful :D
luce.spinoza95 chapter 15 . 12/19/2018
La historia es maravillosa! Ijala un dia decidas vontinuarla, estoy enamorada de todos tus personajes!
Nefer96 chapter 15 . 8/17/2016
When will you finish the story?
Guest chapter 15 . 5/17/2016
plz update, its super awesome also whats with the whole kaguya and rin thing going on? you have me rereading all the chapters to find out ( i need help
Princess Niki chapter 15 . 5/2/2016
Do you think you'll update this story again?
lunawolfy chapter 15 . 2/12/2016
your stories are amazing, finally we hear about sango and shippou, though im more interested in the little yokai girl and the very strangely familiar white haired with dog ears on his head hanyou? i haven't stopped thinking about it. would love to what happens next please update soon
Priincesska chapter 15 . 12/1/2014
Plz plz plz update soon . Story is too good :)
Awesomness chapter 15 . 12/29/2013
When are you gonna update, 'cause this story soooo good it's not even funny! And I can't wait to see what happens next!
Purplediamon chapter 15 . 10/13/2013
The baby youkai is Shippo isn't it! *I say with wide crazy looking eyes and with wild, matted hair* TELL ME!
Purplediamon chapter 11 . 10/13/2013
I've learned a little of the almond smelling poison you mentioned in English, when we read a short story about a lady who owned a bead and breakfast but she would always poison her customers. I can't seem to remember what it was called though.
crystal chapter 15 . 7/26/2013
this is a really good story keep going and don't stop. ;)
young kagome chapter 15 . 12/5/2012
I enjoy your story a lot! Sesshomaru seems like a immature, single-minded child. He gets on my nerves in this story. I hope he changes! At least with Kagome. Please update soon.
Dolce Latte van Creme chapter 15 . 7/23/2012
Fantastic! I started reading your Unexpected Allies series, but since then I hadn't looked at your profile! When I did, I was surprised- but really pleased- to see that you were still writing!
Princess Niki chapter 15 . 7/3/2012
please update soon! The suspense is killing me! I can't wait to read what's next! :}
Veraozao chapter 15 . 6/1/2012
i love it
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