Reviews for Hidden Beneath a Cloak
MoonCastic chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
I'm amazed how you portray the feelings Zexion feels. I totally am loving this story. :)
Lighthawke chapter 1 . 11/12/2007
I love this! Exellent writing style. :D

Attack of the emoticons! xD
shiki1696 chapter 5 . 9/1/2007
YAY! This is awesome :)
Cheerful-Pessimist chapter 17 . 6/5/2007
The ending to this touched my right here *points at heart* it was real deep, i went on and on about that last lines,

"Because he does not exist in the way I never could. And that makes me happy. Very."

i annoyed my brother so much about how gorgeous and sad those lines were...god i'm starting to cry just thinking about it
Chaxra-san chapter 1 . 4/4/2007

Poor Ienzo...

Everything was just so awesome!

This is definitely going on my favs list!
Pieling chapter 17 . 3/8/2007
That was absolutely brilliant. You portrayed the dissolving of Zexion's psyche very well. I thought the fic had a lot of hidden meaning to it, and as an avid lover of literary analysis, it made the fic very interesting and more... professional, I guess. I just know that for the next few days I'm going to be analyzing the heck out of this fic.
Heartless Kittypet chapter 5 . 2/10/2007

I absolutely LOVE THIS STORY! You are a genius! Just, WOW! O.O It's very well written, the portrayal of the character is great, as is them slowly losing their hearts. Spectacular job!

Alright, I'm off to read the next few chapters! AWESOME job!
Xowdash chapter 17 . 2/5/2007
I thought i already reviewed about a week ago, but when i checked the reviews, mine wasn't there, so just to be safe I'm reviewing again. I've gotta say this is indeed the best XI Order fic I've ever read that sticks with the story line, oh hell, this was probably the best XI Order fic I've ever read. I highly doubt that this would happen, but I wish there would be a story like this for every member, and if possible, have all of them written by you since your a very good writer. Also I apologies for not reviewing the other chapters, I found this story when it was complete (lucky for me since cliffhangers have got to be the worst tortures ever) so I forgot to review the other chapters. Anyway, enough of my rambling, I look forward to your next story.
Carmen Willious Dorman chapter 1 . 1/1/2007
Aw, that ending was sweet.

Very well written. I have to keep up with this story. :D
xsynthetic-smile chapter 17 . 12/24/2006

well, crud, lulu. i do believe zexion's said it all:

"But the one thing I refuse to let go, the one thing I shared with you… my story. It was the only one I had, and it went terribly wrong… in all the right ways. I don’t expect anyone to understand the resolution I feel in being absorbed by the Replica. I do not expect anyone to thoroughly understand my words—

Because he does not exist in the way I never could.

And that makes me happy. Very."

GAWH .. i read that line and my jaw dropped, no lie. i'm amazed. i remember a while back thinking that the end of "midsummer panic" was a bit of a letdown, but this ending, this one right here, is possibly the best organization-centric finale i've ever read.


i know that in a lot of my other reviews, i was a bit of a nag (oocness here, incorrect grammar there), but i do hope you realize that this fic is one of my all-time favorites throughout my short and rapidly dwinding time in the kingdom hearts fandom. never have i ever read such a convincing zexion-centric; or any character-centric, in fact. it covered all aspects of his personality: from those brief, snarky moments in which he felt he almost might have found friends, to those dark, brooding eons in which he sunk further and further into nonexistence. most writers nowadays would have only attempted one or the other, and most likely failed at it, i might add; quite horribly, in fact, much too horribly for words. but you, my dear, make it seem second-nature; as if you were born to write long, winding, and thoroughly engrossing fics for your readers to digest wholly-without the fluff of a one-shot or the rantings of an exceedingly long novel.

i used to write chaptered fics, as you know; i had countless in mind when i first started up in this fandom. but in the glitz and appeal of brief and beautifully-worded one-shots, i believe i have lost the ability to write anything longer than 10 words (call out through the ages ...)

haha. if only ffnet allowed strikethroughs; that last addition would have seemed a lot less random. xDD;

but yes, back on topic. whereas i can no longer write chapters, you seem as though this is exactly where you belong. your characterization is amazing, and your plot development has yet to be matched. i do believe this fic has convinced me, once and for all, that you surely deserve to be on my favorite authors' list, and i shudder to think what my experience in this fandom would be like if you hadn't sent me that first review for snapshots. the thought saddens me, more than you can possibly imagine. so thanks for that review, lulu, and thanks for writing this fic. you brighten my day, and i hope you write something new soon. :)

oh, and a final note from a slight zexion fangirl: your depiction of his last moments was amazing. i actually felt like crying for him. guh .. stupid christmas season, always has to get me feeling all emotional. D:

of course, this part: "I WENT NUMB" made me giggle. i think he's been listening to a little too much linkin park lately, but otherwise, as i've said before, this fic amazed me and never ceased to do so. ILY & it so, so much. n_n;;

diamondsforever chapter 1 . 12/22/2006

Love, love, love! Good job!
LAM chapter 17 . 12/18/2006

I love this story..

*Adds to fav*
Zexy chapter 17 . 12/17/2006
First of all, I think I should apologize for not ever reveiwing. D This is honestly one of my favorite fanfictions. I sent it to a few people and really always yelled it out to my O13 group whenever I got an e-mail saying you updated your story. I'm kind of sad it ended. (And if this reveiw sounds wierd, it's because I'm tired and never reveiw...)

Well, thank you for writeing such a wonderful story!
Fate Defied chapter 17 . 12/17/2006
wow... just wow... I honestly don't know much more to say. I liked how you played everything out in this chapter. His confidence that he could win, and his somewhat confusion at the beginning. I was cringing as I read to the end. My mind was screaming "NO!" Wonderfully, wonderfully done. The ending lines were awesome. Well, this whole story was AMAZING! I look forward to more works from you in the future.

~the White Raven
bluemoonlightgirl chapter 17 . 12/17/2006
Wow! It was a really great story.
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