Reviews for Barriers
jena-tomas chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
I know how you feel gurl! ." (Cries in corner)
Luna Quiche chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Wow. This was the first good Jakotsu/Inuyasha fanfiction and I'm still amazed at the brilliance with which you handled their talks.
I know this was written 6 years ago, but I can't bring myself to care, I just hope you're still around somewhere to see this review.

Aside from very few characterization issues I had (why would Jakotsu respect mothers, he hates women), this is a perfect piece of work. It's easily believable, despite the difficult pairing. It's written well, too.
It never gets too dark for Inu Yasha, but never drifts terribly humorous either.

And the mention of Bankotsu completed it a lot, made Jakotsu's character whole and not portrayed incomplete.
Not to mention the 'I will be the last person you see' is rather haunting.
Thanks for this.
I had come to believe good fic for these two was nowhere to be found, you have proven me wrong.
Yuti-Chan chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
Great story :D
nicky picky pie chapter 1 . 4/16/2007
hahaha i make myself laugh!

Nicky picky pie pissing in the sky!


You have something i dont have...


HAHAHA you're such a loser!


Anonymous chapter 1 . 1/15/2007
This made me cry (still sobbing). Because I love Jakotsu and cried when he died in the anime and he loved Inuyasha so much! Or perved after him anyway. Inuyasha/Jakotsu is my favorite pairing, but it's also a very angst filled one. This was a beautiful story, very descriptive. You deserve more reviews.
PharaonicWolf chapter 1 . 6/28/2006
Ah, Inu-Yasha. I think I got through the first eight manga volumes before I lost interest. (sheepish grin)

That being said, I have no idea who the mentioned people are, or why Inu-Yasha is hunting them, but I found a picture of Jakotsu on the Internet and I fell in love with him immediately. He's such a pretty gay man...

Anyway... "There were massive concave bruises disfiguring the largest into the smallest, like someone reaching in and scooping up great curling slices of stone like ice cream..." I love this. Your figurative language is always so creative and so... so perfect for the situation.

"Hair already infected by dust and greyed twenty years older, the elaborate ornamental pins that had held it in loose, messy confinement now yanked loose and spread around him in tragic piles of puzzlement." This sentence is awkward; it's two modifying phrases pushed together without an actual sentence inbetween.

Inu-Yasha is characterized very well... or at least I think so, from what I've seen of him.

Very well done, as always.


P.S. The Yu-Gi-Oh characters are SO VERY GAY.