Reviews for Phantom Touch
Fan.Fiction.Love chapter 9 . 8/22/2015
These two stories are really powerful. So many reviewers have commented on how realistic your characters' feelings and actions were. I have to agree. It makes this a very special story. Thank you.
Phantasmal Abduction chapter 9 . 9/5/2013
I should have gone to sleep an hour ago but this was too good.
This story is honestly the truest to life fic I've ever read. No easy relationships, no seamless endings and smiles into the sunset... It seemed really real.
You are a fucking fantastic writer.
Reina-chan20 chapter 9 . 6/29/2013
Thank you for being so beautiful. *gets out of bed and slowly applauds with tears in eyes* TT thank you...

lol, i'm glad this is the ending because I seriously was gonna beat ur ass if u didn't fix that mess u made in the first part. but this was just beautiful. I loved every bit! stayed up til 3 am reading because ur just so beautiful. - lol. loved every bit, ur great at this. keep up the lovely work! l 3
Takara yume chapter 9 . 7/11/2012
Such a lovely story...this ending almost made me cry. ; 7 ;
well done as always!
gaytard6969 chapter 9 . 1/5/2012
Ill Repute and Phantom Touch are two of the best and most amazing stories I have ever found on this site! They are just simply wonderful- you truly have a gift for writing.

And now that I really think about it, these two stories are separated over the course of YEARS. And reading them now you'd think that they had both been completed in a matter of only weeks. So, I think you deserve another applause for that!

To wrap this all up, I'd like to thank you for writing such a beautiful story- it was one of the best.
Harmonic Sniper chapter 9 . 7/15/2011
Aww really good way to end it! X3
starsinjars chapter 9 . 5/21/2011
Very nice, filled with lots of emotion about pain and moving on. Not much like it. Same for the perious story as well, but i don't remember whether or not i review for it... Still, greqt story. The only thing, is that i wished Roxas and Sora's background were a little bit more clarified. Still, you're the author, so you are free to have your story told how you depict it. Thank you for this story.
13thReflection chapter 9 . 2/13/2011
This is one of the most amazing stories i have ever read.

this, as well as the first story to this sequel, are both filled with so much emotion and pain, and this ending has literally left me in tears. You are such an amazing writer and I look forward to reading other pieces of your work.
Lelu Kitakaze chapter 9 . 12/23/2010
OMG i read the other one to this one. So freaking gloomy yet I was hopeing for more. Nya it sucked me in and I couldn't close my laptop. Awww dag nabit I wish there was more to this.
Kitezi chapter 9 . 11/30/2009
excuse me for a second.


ok. i'm good. i'm really not sure how to put my feelings into words right now, but...i'm going to say that both Ill Repute and Phantom Touch are a couple of my favorite stories, especially in the KH fandom. I LOVE SEEING (and reading) AWESOME AUTHOR'S WORK! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! -squee!-

jeez, i really dont know what to say. this story was really amazing and stuff and...yeah. i'm really not doing Phantom Touch justice at all. i blame my current lack of proper adjective useage. (jeez, i leave for japan for two weeks and it screws with my english permanently...something wrong with that...XD)

i really love how you had axel and roxas end up at the end of IR and throughout PT (ish lazy...X3)...even if it made me wanna cry on the inside. yeah, i'm a hopeless romantic. probably why i love these stories so much! :3

anyways, before i screw with the english grammar any more than i already have, i just wanna say thank you so, SO, VERY much for being awesome in general, and posting these beautiful works of art. :3

Moxxi chapter 9 . 7/27/2009
M, very good series.

(: the smiley face contradicts, since both this one and Ill Repute made my heart ache xD

But I love the writing.

Good work 3
Katielorraine chapter 9 . 7/8/2009
both storys was so good! you should write a book not kidding! the last one made me cry and i was like "no! roxas!" and in this one i was like "AWSOME!" i love love loved them all!
Char-sensei chapter 9 . 11/17/2008
I really liked this story. It really took a very different direction than most Axel/Roxas fics, but you did it well. It's very bittersweet, and I like it.
DemonicStrawberry chapter 9 . 9/21/2008
I loved this story so much... it was very unique.

and had a perfect ending.. I wish it was longer though...
mr. eames chapter 9 . 7/7/2008
I really love this story.

It kind of...makes me feel like...

Through the entire thing I wanted it to end happily.

But it seemed so hopeless, like there couldn't be a happy ending.

The one you presented was entirely believable.

It wasn't overwhelmingly happy and thankfully not unbearably sad.

The ending was as it should be.

I it.

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