Reviews for Love & Other Sharp Things
Jana Jackson1 chapter 38 . 11/30/2017
hello I love your fanfic please continue writing do not stop please
Fangy chapter 38 . 1/3/2016
In Christ Alone chapter 38 . 4/28/2013
ACK! You must update again! (Ehh, please) You... you can't just leave it off like this... I am hooked. 8O
This is awesome. I love V's development through this story. I am gathering inspiration for the V story I shall attempt soon.
Please update. :)
LizzyKittie chapter 38 . 1/14/2013
Cliff... Hanger... Ending Noooooooooooo!
Why?! (sobs)
Jade V. MacGregor chapter 38 . 8/23/2011
I feel empty without the completion of this story! So fantastic - imaginative additions to the movieverse. I know its been near to a year, but I'm begging you to complete it!
Phoenix-LOL chapter 38 . 6/7/2011
Wow, this is a really good story. No lying, this is fantastic. Now if I only knew what V was like! I hope you continue it. This is the best, and longest, V for Vendetta fanfiction I've ever read.
forestghost chapter 38 . 12/23/2010
I only ask that you continue writing. Like, I get down on my knee's and beg. :D

*gets down on knee's and begs*

Like, this is friggen awesome.
Valkyrie CotH chapter 38 . 12/14/2010
oh, good lord! Finally!

you see, i wait for such a well-balanced fanfic for almost a lifetime! i love how you put quotes in your fic and your way in shaping every characters!(u know, there're lots of V's fanfics that distorted the characters including V and Evey) it seems that the whole fic becomes alive in front of me!

Just keep going! You have my support!
MajorBachman chapter 38 . 12/2/2010
Somehow, I never got to see V for Vendetta, until two weeks ago. It was a good movie.

So, I browsed for some V fanfic and found this one pretty easily, and read it. All available chapters. As soon as circumstances allowed. Since it's GREAT!

Hm, after so many chapters, I really don't know or care about any structure in this review, I'll just shoot away, okay?

- Your characters truly are alive and they develop in the course of time; that's very good

- It's well-balanced between action-based chapters and character-development ones

- I really dig the quotes, you're quite versatile. And that's something I really appreciate and esteem

- Only too bad you've not found the opportunity to write more chapters sooner, but I understand there can be other priorities in one's life

- The plot is growing and becoming very deep; aren't you afraid it might become too difficult?

I'd love to see a next chapter.
Kori Black chapter 38 . 10/12/2010
Oh I've been looking for a good V for Vendetta story for so long, how come I took so long to find this one? I love the plot and the caracters in this story actually have a resemblance with the caracters in the film, which is hard to achieve in a fanfiction! Hope there are many more chapters to come and that you update this soon, 'cause I can't wait!;D
not so anonymous chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
Love it, just love it. But it cant be finished can it?
Gabrielle Lupin chapter 37 . 9/5/2010
I've just read your whole story, and I love it! It's so well written and I love the story line, please continue I can't wait till you update!
kawi ax nav chapter 36 . 5/9/2010
this is a great insecurities are expertly written,i cant wait to find out how the cards fall with all these details you have added.
kawi ax nav chapter 17 . 5/9/2010
this is way you have them is true to their charecter.i absolutly love it when v talks in his head its funny is so beond excellent.i cant wait to finish and i own darkman i bought it because i absoluty adore liam wait to read your other up the good work.
Kwai Ax'nav chapter 16 . 5/9/2010
will review when its not 3 in the morning
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