Reviews for My Crimson Angel
Neko Chibi Naru chapter 20 . 10/24/2014
No way...
Omg please continue! What's gonna happen to Gaara omg...?! Agh...
Pwease pwease continue.. *puppy eyes* thhis is torture.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/4/2014
pretty please
Hitomi uchiha24 chapter 20 . 12/18/2013
great chapter :)
berryc chapter 20 . 9/26/2013
OMG OMG OMG why are there no more updates?! you can't just leave us hanging after gaara gets sick! please please please update! i mean their finally making some progress and you have yet to explain about gaara problem! please continue updating *begs* don't leave it as is
Yuusaki Kuchiki chapter 20 . 10/11/2012
Aaw, i love your fic.
Will you continue this fic, please? ;-(
dearmantis chapter 20 . 9/26/2012
I kept laughing at Naruto's outfit in this chapter. I mean for real? lol C'mon, it has to be a case of overstuffing, I can't stand Gaara being so sick. If he dies in this fic I'll get really depressed. If that's your plotting put up in a warning please? I'm not strong enough to read it if he dies. I mean, he's so young, he's just experiencing the love of his life with great friends, they didn't even had sex yet (or did they and you just didn't described the scene?).

I hope you continue writing this fic. I have to know what will happen to them, so I can rest my mind in peace. Besides, this fic has provided me with the most exciting and unique reading at some points. I would like to keep reading it. Please don't tell me you dropped this. Please let us know this chapter is waiting somewhere in your folders to be posted ;). See ya.
dearmantis chapter 19 . 9/26/2012
Sasuke you finally did something! Naruto you are so oblivious. That scene was so sweet. Now Sasuke you earned my respect. Neji, Gaara, omg! I can't believe this. I mean what's Gaara's status? Partial? Complete? I don't want Gaara to die. Please Gaara realize you should take better care for yourself. This is killing me I have to know that everything will be alright with Gaara.
dearmantis chapter 18 . 9/26/2012
Naachan i.i Sasuke you idiot! This was so sad. Gaara what's happening to you?
dearmantis chapter 17 . 9/26/2012
Hhaushaush, the teasing relationship between the Subaku brothers is so funny and exciting. Poor Naachan! i.i But I must confess I thought they were going to do worse with you.
dearmantis chapter 16 . 9/26/2012
This chapter is name "Bad feeling" for me i.i
dearmantis chapter 15 . 9/26/2012
Neji man, you have such a positive point of view sometimes that is irritating, like it's too naive. Sometimes it seems like something bad maybe happen because you just didn't believe it was possible when it was. I hope it don't i.i Gaara I didn't know you could be so fun but I'm liking it, your way of fun ;).
dearmantis chapter 14 . 9/26/2012
Lol, there he goes, Mr. Curious Cat again. Yay, more Gaara and Neji unusual makeout scenes!
dearmantis chapter 13 . 9/26/2012
This was a bit confusing but fun nevertheless. I laughed at troll Naruto, at how Gaara just kept saying "...", tried to be in the group chat for Neji but didn't change his behavior because of it, at how Neji is so blind of his passion from Gaara that he really thinks getting him together in his friends chat room is a nice idea -.-.
dearmantis chapter 12 . 9/26/2012
Gaara you're so cool and you're not even trying y-y. And Gaara was such a expertise, makes him even exotic, sexier. Neji you were so clueless I bet you loved being handled by Gaara. Wasn't him excited than normal? Like usually he's excited with girls but that was something more. Neji seemed like someone super content on having an exotic and surprising pet. I like his boy point of view of a first time with boys reaction. Neji consider yourself lucky it's Gaara ;).
dearmantis chapter 11 . 9/26/2012
Lol, Neji you're so into Gaara, it's funny, you're making a fool of yourself. I love that.
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