Reviews for Curse of the Sea Horse
Guest chapter 6 . 5/12/2018
He just glared at... AKITO?! well rip the seahorse!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/12/2018
yaoilover6969 chapter 18 . 2/18/2009
awesome story i loved it please pleas write more chapters for it. _
Laura chapter 18 . 11/29/2008
dominoeb chapter 18 . 8/24/2008
. .sad?sob
Mewknight chapter 18 . 7/20/2008
Oh! Thanks for updating! I can't wait for more!
TwilightObsessedMell chapter 18 . 7/7/2008
This story is great!

You've really got Haru's character written perfectly ]

Can't wait till next time!
loritakitochan chapter 18 . 6/28/2008
what a surprise,everyone else would have write some cute-kiss-smile scenes...your Hatori is that much more interesting.

Maybe Shun would have been a better 'mother'than Hari?

- update soon (if you can!)
captainelena chapter 18 . 6/25/2008
Wow! I read this a few months ago, but thought it was abandoned, so I didn't alert it. I apologize for thinking such things, and now I will for sure keep an eye on it!

Poor Hatori. At first, I was thinking how could he do such a thing, to neglect his son like that? But then it made sense why. That man has had his heart broken so many times. Hmm, what does Haru have planned for Tori-san and Shun-kun?
Bitofbadwinter chapter 18 . 6/23/2008
thank you for updating! great chapter! I'm so glad this story is still going! Update again soon!
akki818 chapter 18 . 6/21/2008
im reading, updat soon please
Emi1988 chapter 18 . 6/19/2008
I loved this chapter though I really do feel bad for Hatori (or myself really). He (I) loved Kana so much and to see the image of his (my) beloved in his (my) son's face would be more than enough to break him (me) all over again! Update soon you! I must know what happens!

P.S. If you are confused as to why the parentheses are there look at my pen name and think really hard... it should come to you!
Blood Red Vampress chapter 18 . 6/19/2008
Great. I kinda feel bad for Hatori though...poor guy. Update real soon; k? -

Pure Shikon chapter 18 . 6/19/2008
As long as by 'update faster' you don't mean a day faster then last time, then I hope this review does help you update faster! I'm sad I had to wait so long, but the reward was REALLY awesome, and I'm glad I did. Hatori's emo...YEA! Always good to throw in an emo Hatori when the going gets rough. Oddly, I can stand emo characters much better than I can stand drama kings/queens. So, what's Haru gonna do? "Bad Dad, Bad Dad. What'cha gonnado when haru comes for you? Ba-da, ba-da." Totally original and thought up right on the spot for you. Does that make you want to write? Please update!
Takeru Takaishi's Gurl chapter 18 . 6/19/2008
yay! your back! please please please update sooner next time! I mean that in the nicest way possible ) i liked this chapter even though hatori is being an ass but its understandable.

can't wait for the next chapter!
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