Reviews for The Quarter Moon Gamble
lesstrange17 chapter 16 . 5/11/2018
Simply Beautiful
Lucy Maud Montgomery chapter 3 . 8/27/2017
This fic is a mess.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/24/2017
ew. this fic was cheesy and gross and weird
Guest chapter 16 . 1/15/2017
So sad
Mari-Kait chapter 13 . 11/7/2016
after all malfoys never lose! lol loved that line!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/28/2016
Then why the hell would you call this humor?
Guest chapter 15 . 4/16/2016
The last parts of this chapter mentioned "evil" and suvh and I was thingking, wow...where is all this dark angst coming from? Seriously though, you are killing me with those dark vibes.
Sciathin Fae chapter 16 . 3/4/2016
I've read FanFiction for over 8 years I have left only 5 reviews counting this one. I have finished reading the story and all I have to say is: Damn...just damn.

You wrote something amazing with this, and I know a epilogue will never happen because of blood purity.
LCB chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
I felt like I missed something. She was going to bed then he was above her in the library. I think something was maybe deleted.
Was this said chapter 12 . 1/19/2016
Sorry, I honestly can't continue this because your facts about the wizarding world are so wrong that I can see you ending this tragically, and that's not okay. Are you aware that being a Veela is not a curse? Are you aware that it is a person's heritage? You can no more stop a person from being a Veela than you can stop them from having an Irish background. It's literally not possible and yet you make it out as some unnatural thing (it's not) with fake mates (they aren't, Veela mates would've loved each other without the Veela heritage because they are literally soul mates) that was caused by some weird magic (again, Veela's are actual beings, not curses). So, due to this ignorance, I cannot continue to read something that literally cannot be doomed even though you are deluded to that fact and will probably make it so. And yes, I do realize that this was written a while ago, but that doesn't stop it from being read, that doesn't stop it from having a plot based off of something that's not true in this universe whatsoever, and shouldn't be messed with. Changing Veela nature is like saying that Hagrid is really just under a Giant Curse, causing him to be larger than normal.
Guest chapter 16 . 1/1/2016
my friends recommended your story. i don't know what they were thinking. i don't like hurting feelings but i don't think you considered your readers' feelings as well. your plot was all over the place, your characters bipolar, and your ending sucky. stick to a plot and revolve your story around that. this was 70,000 words of "i love you but i think it's just lust but i really think i feel something omg you deserve better [insert a plot that's irrelevant] we should totally be together". also, get your rating and your genres right, this is rated T (and yeah, im somehow disappointed for the lack of actual smut that was promised but i do love smutless fics if only for the good plots) and this is romance/drama with oddly placed humor. if i wanted to feel i would have clicked on those. i actually read the whole thing thinking it had to have some form of redeeming quality but no. too bad.
Guest chapter 16 . 12/21/2015
The story was wonderful,
The way you delivered the story was awesome,
The language that you use was lovely,
The way you end it up was stunning,
Your story is amazing.. Keep writing
The style of your writing is something that you need to be proud of.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/24/2015
MoonNott chapter 16 . 10/21/2015
When I began reading this piece, I was highly entertained. Entertained because it was actually funny, their banter. He had a sense of humour and she was witty and then the humour died.. I love the way it transcended from a fun-fic to something so sinister and yet so fucking beautiful. She is being a coward I feel.. not even wanting to take a chance on them in the real world despite his love for her. And he's being selfish. What they did was because she was too scared to try not because they loved each other. There was love, yes but it didn't feel like the main reason for wanting to be frozen in the moment and that makes me sad.. I don't like that she made him suggest a way out because that's how much he was willing to let go of just so he could stay with her. And the fact that I actually have an opinion on her is proof that you wrote a fucking good story. As a reader, I think it counts that someone got so immersed in your story that way. The end is tragic and tugs at my heartstrings because it is so damn beautiful! It's poetic and I'm finding it difficult to be more expressive. Thank you for this story..
DyrtyLyttleSecret chapter 16 . 6/25/2015
I just wanted to let you know that when I find a fanfic or a book for that matter and the title, summary and reviews capture me, I always read the last chapter, no matter what. It's something I've tried to change and it's something my friends hate but I can't seem to stop and just by reading the last chapter of this book it breaks my heart and I get so many, many feels. I just can't bring myself to read this because my heart will shatter. I mean this in a good way. Maybe later on you'll write a sequel in which everyone is happy but until then I'll stay in ignorance. I hope this review makes sense.
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