Reviews for Purifying
Madison Futch chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
You should make a fanfic about Sirius and his family in the afterlife
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
I don't think I've ever read anything from Sirius' mother's point of view before. I really like your take on her, especially as she's a loving mother to Sirius - I think she would have been as he's the heir to the House of Black. I felt kind of sorry for Regulus, though. He seems to have gone through most of his life being largely ignored, and the first time his mother really acknowledges him is when she has to because legally he is her only son.
Beael chapter 1 . 2/16/2013
I must say that it's amazing to read a story where Walburga Black doesn't appear to hate her son, because I think it's rather logical that she loves him very much; she just doesn't understand him. This story is great and the ending is just amazing! I'm gonna go on and read you other stories - this one's getting favorited!
Em chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
I read this review for this story that said that the reviewer felt bad for Sirius's mom and brother, and all, and I do, too, but I also think they did sort of bring it on themselves. With all the blood purity talk and dark stuff, it's no surprise Sirius would want to leave. I like this story because it shows what Regulus and Walburga 9not sure if I spelled that right, but it feels weird to type it) might have thought, but I don't feel like Sirius is to blame, or should be slapped, that that reviewer said they wanted to do, because there are always two sides to every story. This story is a good example - it tells Regulus and Walburga's side, but not Sirius's. Not that I think that's a problem, because it's still a good story, but it's true.
Victoria Alatamir Wan chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
I think this story should be put in your list of good stories (:

Artemis1000 chapter 1 . 2/1/2009
*sniffles* It's so heart-wrenching! Especially the birthday gift Sirius never gave his mother. Lovely story!
Duchess Winna chapter 1 . 6/1/2007
You really made me feel sorry for Sirius's mother! I do feel bad for her, now. Even if she brought it on herself...she still is a mother that has lost her son, you know?

Interesting concept, and you wrote it perfectly. A little inconsistent with what we know of Sirius's mother (from her portrait, anyway) but then again, I suppose that that kind of loss would turn anyone bitter and angry.
JetGriffins89 chapter 1 . 7/24/2006
Dang... now I really don't like Sirius for what he did to his mother and brother. I've always been sort of sympathetic towards Regulus, but not towards his mother. Now, however, I want someone to slap Sirius. Hard. Good job.
Yvonnia chapter 1 . 7/22/2006
Wow! All I can say right now is wow.
ShoesDoNotExist chapter 1 . 6/12/2006
AW! That was so sad! I mean that in a good way, of course. It was definitely worth crying over! Loved it.

januarygarnet chapter 1 . 6/4/2006
brilliant. it even made me cry.