Reviews for Another Romantic Dawn
Mako-clb chapter 3 . 8/14
That ending was not what I was expecting at all. It was a little sad (Zoro and Nami) and hopeful.
Mako-clb chapter 1 . 8/14
This modern AU sounds interesting. Usually I'm not big on these, but when they are done well, they are a lot of fun. I get wait to see how this turns out.
Guest chapter 3 . 12/28/2018
This BLEW ME AWAY oh gosh you've fit these fairy tale characters into the gritty, less-pleasant aspects of the real world so perfectly, then gave them the fairy tale ending of one piece again wow oh wow it really moved me in ways I can't express man. I love what you've done so much. 3 chapters and it only covers the beginning of their journey in the modern au but, I'm so satisfied. It ended on such a hopeful note. Props to your writing man!
EmD23 chapter 3 . 4/29/2015
Sanji's "How he used to be" really caught me off-guard. Great story though.
Mithril Maiden chapter 3 . 5/1/2014
I really liked this. It had a real feel to it. Especially the ending and the dreams in it.
Don't get me wrong, it was sad as hell, but not once was it dull. And how you explained where their personalities had come from was the cherry on top.
Thanks for sharing. This will stick with me.
valentina14 chapter 3 . 2/26/2014
oh my god.

I just - this is amazing. Sanji's character speaks to me, and this fic feels so real, i don't even know how to describe it.

I love it
printfogey chapter 3 . 1/7/2014
Did I not comment on this before? If not - just want to say this is so heartbreakingly real-feeling, yet triumphantly, gorgeously heartwarming. I love the snapshots of everyone, but most of all I love Sanji's narrative voice and how his AU personality - which does feel solidly based on his canon self - comes through in it so vividly. First person narratives are so hard to do well in fanfic, yet you make it look absolutely effortless. This is one of the fics I never stop reccing.
Anon chapter 3 . 1/4/2014
Is this real? Are they actually? Actually? A part of me believes that they're all just crazy and nothing gets better. Because that's realistic. But, then again, this is Luffy we're talking about! Do they actually go and become pirates in this terrible boring world? Really?! I want more!
MonkD.drgn chapter 3 . 9/28/2013
Make a Sequel !
NetsirkBlue chapter 3 . 6/19/2013
I honestly didn't think it was possible to pull an AU like this off. Somehow you kept them all in character while putting them into a modern world. Even if it wouldn't have fit to keep any devil fruit abilities you managed to get the point across that Luffy was something of a 'rubber' man. Your style is great. This story may not have been very long but it didn't need to be. It was straight to the point while expressing just enough detail to paint each picture.
that's-a-Secret chapter 3 . 6/1/2013
Magic. This take on One Piece is beautiful all over. Keep up the amazing work :)
Lifespire chapter 3 . 5/25/2013
Oh my god! This gave me shivers and then I cheered when I finished it. I love this fic to death!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/29/2012
Magnificent needs a several!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/23/2012
Do they really? At first I felt as though they end up failing, and their dreams stay dreams. Because realistically that's what would happen. But then I remember, this is Luffy. If Luffy's with them, then they'll succeed. Simple as that.
XXCaptainUsoppXX chapter 3 . 9/15/2012
Oh my God. Oh my God this fic made me so happy. You have no idea. It was sad and melancholic and REAL in all the right ways, and then it was hopeful and magical and PERFECT in all the right ways. You did a fabulous job of capturing everything that's so perfect about One Piece and placing it in a modern setting without losing ANY of the magic. (And I know this fic is really old and the author will probably never see this review, but I just had to say so. Because this fic made me so, so happy.)
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