Reviews for A New Generation of Potter, Year 1
kayleigh101 chapter 20 . 11/1/2011
the story is funny and good
wandamarie chapter 20 . 12/22/2008
it was a good story so far thank you
Spiggi chapter 20 . 9/4/2006
Damn! That was tight cant wait to find out what happens next how can he comunicate with then will he ues the quill Ethan gave him or something eles. Can u try to include other persons problems in this story because I feel like their being neglected. For real Im waitn on that next chapter...Im that pressed!
hEaThS lIl LaDy chapter 20 . 8/14/2006
That was great, keep it up!
hEaThS lIl LaDy chapter 19 . 7/27/2006
Hey that was great, Keep it up. I love what you are doing with the story. Update!
hEaThS lIl LaDy chapter 18 . 7/27/2006
Sorry it took so long, Ive been grounded. That was great, it did not seem choppy at all. Keep it up. Snape seemed like his kreepy old self, Like thats ever gonna change. I liked it, Update, Update, Update!
creator masashi chapter 1 . 7/26/2006
the chapters are too short and i am now sick of the word reprimand but keep going its good
Pinksakurablossom chapter 18 . 7/15/2006
I thought it was great! You have to update soon! I thought the part with the flying instructor was a little perverted, but still funny.
Zeezeezuhglkjdsf chapter 18 . 7/15/2006
Lol Sevvy has a knack for seeing people when they're not there but are, doesn't he? And he didn't say anything? HE'S SO AWESOME! Who's the creepy guy in the window? Why is there a creepy guy locked in a room? That's not natural, you know, keeping people locked into rooms that aren't allowed out. :) But alas it seems Dear Mr. Paranoid Guy is paranoid. Lovin the story!
Zeezeezuhglkjdsf chapter 17 . 7/15/2006
YAY! :D GREAT story! I LOVED this chapter! Snape is SO COOL! And i like how Jimmie's tryin to 'be his own Potter'. that's awesome!
liesltheweasl chapter 18 . 7/14/2006
meh, I think the choppiness of the beginning works well for the passage of time. I didn't find it odd or distracting at all.

So now I'm wondering what the connection between the two profs is... lol, with every chapter it appears you have still more up your sleeve!

Oh, and I forgot to mention about last chapter that I thought the idea of being able to appeal deducted points makes complete sense... maybe Hermione suggested it as head girl or something:-) Heaven knows those Gryffendors (sp?) probably needed it with Snape!

As always, great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next installment!
liesltheweasl chapter 17 . 7/14/2006
lol, i love that Evie caught on and the boys were left in the typical...
liesltheweasl chapter 16 . 7/3/2006
yay, i'm finally caught up!

the sexy flying prof is so random...but a funny addition, lol.

As I'm sure is your intention, I'm getting curious-er and curious-er about Sarscan. Can't wait to find out what his big secret is!

Another great chapter!
liesltheweasl chapter 15 . 7/3/2006
oh man, do i ever know how a conversational ass-kicking feels:-) poor kid, having to deal with Snape.
liesltheweasl chapter 14 . 7/3/2006
hehe, 'holding his butter knife defensively.' Great line:-)
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