Reviews for Collection
Neo6669 chapter 30 . 7/30/2013
Amazing just amazing read it non stop
RetickLover chapter 30 . 3/24/2013
Wow...i hadn't realised that you would put this as a type of in-between event. All i could think is, I wish Clark would have told him his secret :/ Even though Smallville was about the journey before Superman and Lex Luthor, it's still just horrible how Lex could've really been a good person if he wasn't basically all in all abandoned by everyone, Clark included. So messed up T.T Clark and Lex's friendship, really was the stuff of legends :/
Cookie-the-Rookie chapter 16 . 1/4/2013
This is so unfair! He excapes and is captured again!
Jade Gliese chapter 30 . 2/4/2011
I read this, and wow.. I was pretty angry. I was looking for some smallville yaoi, and I came across a story so tragic, and yet so magnificent that right now I'm actually a really emotional. The injustices described in this are unbelievable but realistic in a sense that there's the fear that accompanies the realization that things like this happen in real life and those who fall victim are not so lucky to have someone like Chloe to get them out of the situation. I've never read anything that succeeded in making me upset without having a happy ending. It's just a nightmare, but on the authors part. You did an absolutely magnificent job, and I applaud you for it.
Hadrianna chapter 30 . 6/25/2010
I know it's been some years since you posted this story, but I just started watching Smallville and stumbled across your fanfic... and was completely enthralled! You have a nice, flowing writing technique and a lot of really good ideas, and I especially enjoyed how you managed to stay in character despite the many switches between characters. I do, however, agree with the others that the ending came a bit abrupt, but it didn't destroy the story for me at all. Really good work! ;)
JadedByRomance chapter 30 . 12/16/2009
I loved most of the story. I appreciate the fact that you made a huge lex/clark story, and managed to keep everyone in character. However, I was VERY disappointed when lex and clark did not end up together. Or even friends. All that fighting and turmoil in their relationship and nothing came of it. Nice(insert sarcasm). End rant. The rest was good though, and you are a good writer, nonetheless. -ISIS-
The Last Kitten chapter 30 . 9/5/2008
This is such a sad ending.

I've always thought it was partially Clarks fault that Lex went so completly evil. I mean he was the one person in the world that Clark didn't need super powers to save, and like the idiot he is, he blew it. All Lex every wanted was some one who truly loved and believed in him, that's all anyone wants in the end, and through constant acusations and OBVOUS lies Clark denied him. It just so happened that Clark was the straw that broke the Camel's back.

Anyway, awesome story. I'm a slow reader and I've been up since 5pm last night reading this. O_O it's 10:50am right now and I should probably...ya know...sleep! lol
ambria chapter 1 . 1/8/2008
I have to admit there are few male pairings that I actually like to read, but I liked the story and like many others have expressed the ending left much to be desired. Still I hope to read more of your stories, with maybe an-alternate ending from the show.
Lady Gaidin chapter 30 . 6/11/2007
I really liked the whole earning a link in the chain and Joshua was an awesome character. Good job! Keep up the good work.
DELETE KJDKLSFJDS chapter 30 . 4/5/2007
i really liked it

of course i am a fan of torture

some spelling issues

copton chapter 30 . 3/26/2007
Hi all,

I have had a lot of reviews regarding the ending of this story and its abruptness. I have to agree with you all and have made an ongoing commitment to improve the endings of my stories. I found I did the same thing with my first story. While I don't think I would change the plot line I would have in retrospect liked to have taken more time to build it to the ending rather than just ending it in one chapter. I will work on that. That is why I love these reviews because they help me work on my writing and help to deliver a story that people will ultimately enjoy through to the end.

Thanks again for the reviews.

OMG BOO-URNS chapter 30 . 3/26/2007

I agree with the kid below me.

Omg... Such an awesome story

but the ending was crap. I cant

believe you did that. I kinda

regret reading it because I spent

a load of time on it... and I was

uber downed at the end. Chloe?

Eff, thats sick lol. Your an awesome

writer but work on the endings please.

Sasukes Half Eaten RiceBall chapter 30 . 2/25/2007
O.o ...*twitch twitch* THAT WAS A HORRIBLE ENDING! I HAV NEVER WRITTEN A FLAME BEFORE BUT I CANT HELP IT FOR THIS ONE! THIS ISNT A CLEX STORY! RAPE DOESNT COUNT ! LEX DIDNT END UP KNOWING HIS SECRETS, THEY DIDNT END UP TOGETHER! HELL, THEY DIDNT EVEN STAY FRIENDS! not to mention u pulled this whole lex/chloe crap at the end! WHERE TA FUCK DID THAT COME FROM! u failed to make it a happy ending, BUT u failed to make it a dark or depressig ending too! the ending was just THERE! i spent hours reading this story for THIS? wat ta helz? its like u had an ausome story, but then some one shot the ending with a 44 magnum, and then picked up the random words, and put them an an ene-meene-mini-mo order! .EVER! AH (but the rest of the story was very well done :)
whitefire chapter 17 . 2/2/2007
As enjoyable as you story has been so far, the idea of Lex against Amir's best fighter doesn't make sense. Why would Joshua think that Lex had a hope especially after being beaten so violently?
soda'slover chapter 30 . 10/21/2006
I loved this story! It was one of the best! Great story, your a great author!
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